
Performance and Limitations

General Performance and Limitations

  • Web browser Mozilla Firefox not supported

  • No manual addition of wireless devices connected to a child/downstream gateway by using EcoStruxure Power Commission software.

  • Automatic discovery of wireless devices under a child gateway is limited to 128 devices because wireless devices are seen as Modbus TCP/IP devices.

  • Typical Panel Server latency between Modbus TCP/IP request forwarded to the Modbus serial network is 10 ms.

  • Wi-Fi function available through a connection to a Wi-Fi infrastructure only. Access point function not available.

  • Some device identification data of the aggregated devices connected downstream from a Smartlink SI B or Smartlink SI D (such as I/O Smart Link or wireless devices) are displayed in the Panel Server webpage if the data is configured and commissioned from the Smartlink SI B or Smartlink SI D webpage.

  • Keep firmware up to date in order to allow the Schneider Electric Customer Care Center to remotely access the Panel Server webpages. Remote access certificate validity is as follows:

    • Panel Server Firmware version 001.008.000: certificate valid until 23 July 2024

    • Panel Server Firmware version 001.009.000: certificate valid until 16 October 2024

    • Panel Server Firmware version 001.010.000: certificate valid until 20 January 2025

    For more information about Firmware Update, refer to DOCA0172•• EcoStruxure Panel Server - User Guide.

Limitations on Publication

  • When exporting CSV files to SFTP or HTTPS servers, an excessively large volume of data can result in empty export files. Reduce the publication period and perform the export again.

  • Limitation on SFTP publication - CSV file content not consistent over firmware releases:

    • When using the custom I/O contextualization of a Pulse counter device connected to the embedded input of the Panel Server, the format of the CSV files published through SFTP is not consistent with the format seen with firmware version 001.006.000. To see the data label IoCountMeasurement in your CSV scripts, enter IoCountMeasurement in the Consumption meter element name field on the Panel Server web pages at Settings > Embedded input management.

    • The above limitation and work-around also apply to a Pulse counter device connected downstream to the I/O Smart Link device.

  • Limitations on topology publication to the Schneider Electric cloud: all the devices must be connected at least once to the Panel Server to enable the correct topology to be published to the Schneider Electric cloud.

Limitation on Parent/Child Gateway Configuration

  • The parent Panel Server is unable to display and manage the measurements values of the digital inputs configured on the child Panel Server gateway. It is recommended to replace the child Panel Server with an I/O Smart Link device to enable the inputs and outputs of the channels configured in the I/O Smart Link to be correctly displayed in the Panel Server webpages and published to any associated Cloud application.

  • In a configuration with Panel Server and PowerTag Link, for Energy devices connected downstream to a child PowerTag Link with parent Panel Server gateway, both Active energy received and Active energy delivered measurements are incorrectly displayed with No data value (NaN) in the Panel Server Monitoring and Control webpage. In addition, these measurements are not published to the upstream application.

    As a workaround, view the combined data Active energy delivered + received, which is correctly displayed with accurate values in the Monitoring and Control, Home, and Trending webpages and published to the upstream application.

    NOTE: In EcoStruxure Energy Hub (EEH) the combined data Active energy delivered + received is not displayed.

Limitations on Trending and Home Menus:

  • During a data dump, in some cases the dashboard does not load due to a timeout. When the data dump process is complete, the dashboard loads.

  • When activating publication through Email service for alarms or Schneider cloud services for the first time, you may receive a large number of emails relating to old and existing alarms, especially in the case of long local history. This only occurs once when publication is activated.

  • In firmware version 001.007.000, sampled measurements (for example, full-scale voltage phase of carrier input (dbV or dB)) are treated as aggregated data. As a result, an Invalid request message is displayed when viewing data in the Trending webpage. Update to firmware version 001.008.000 or greater to resolve the issue.

  • In the Trending menu, some data may be proposed in the filter menu when not applicable. For example, Breaker close count no reset and Breaker trip count are displayed erroneously in the data filter menu for devices connected downstream to an I/O Smart Link gateway. Selecting such filters has no impact on the data displayed in trending graphs.

Limitations on Custom Device Models

  • Units defined in custom measurement are not published to the Cloud.

  • For wireless devices connected under a child gateway, if a custom model uses the same name as a predefined model, and devices are already associated with the predefined model, follow this procedure to load the custom model:

    1. Decommission any device already associated with the predefined model.

    2. Load the custom model in the Panel Server.

    3. Associate the devices with the newly loaded custom model.

    4. Publish the topology in case of use of the Panel Server with a Schneider Electric cloud application such EcoStruxure Asset Advisor or EcoStruxure Resource Advisor.

Limitations on Data Sampling, Data Logging and Alarming

  • After modifying the data sampling configuration of a device, the following Panel Server webpages are frozen and not available while the changes are being applied:

    • Home page

    • Trending

    • Data management pages

    • Backup & restore

    • Custom models

  • When the user changes the sampling rate of a data measurement, the following behaviors may be observed:

    • 'NaN' or interpolated values might be inserted in the data logged in place of the existing value which indicates the data measurement is no longer correct nor reliable.

    • For Energy data or accumulated data:

      • in the data trends, non-linear trends may be created where linear trends are expected, due to data points where no historical data exists being duplicated from existing data points

      • a ‘Nan’ value might be replaced with a new value, resulting in non-linear trends

  • The number of individual data points that can be sampled simultaneously is limited to 5 000 and limited to a flow of 500 data points per minute.

  • The number of individual alarms that can be configured for monitoring and sending an email notification is limited to 100.

  • In Notifications menu, alarms associated with deleted devices remain in the list with a blank device name field. This limitation occurs only if the customer has deleted devices for which an alarm was generated after updating to firmware version 001.008.000

Limitations on Specific Devices

Limitations on I/O Smart Link:

  • When commissioning an I/O Smart Link (as a replacement for a legacy Acti9 Smartlink Modbus with FW1.3.x) in EcoStruxure Power Commission software, leaving None in the Signal Element line causes an error when the device is commissioned in the Panel Server. The I/O Smart Link commissioning configuration cannot be saved in the Panel Server.

  • I/O Smart Link devices support the following special characters:










































  • Operating time, operation counter, and trip counter not available for Wired devices and Standard I/O.

Limitations on Modbus Serial devices:

Limitations on wireless devices:

  • Within a parent-child Panel Server gateway configuration, the modification of a contextualized setting of a device to the child Panel Server (for example, auxiliary position modified from SD to SDE) is not automatically reflected in the parent gateway. A manual update in the parent Panel Server is required to display modifications.

  • Wireless indication auxiliary: the Panel Server does not manage alarm notification by email or to Schneider Electric cloud applications.

  • PowerTag Control:

    • If a PowerTag Control device is connected to a child gateway:

      • No automatic discovery.

      • No data is published to the parent gateway. To be able to publish at the parent gateway level, a custom model has to be developed for the parent gateway.

  • PowerTag Display: not supported by Panel Server Advanced.

Limitations on MasterPact NT/NW, ComPacT NS, and PowerPacT P/R frame circuit breakers. For details about which trip units and interfaces are supported, refer to

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