Firmware Version 6.4.2
New Features
Integrated the following devices:
Acti 9 Smartlink SI D gateway
Enerlin’X IFM Modbus-SL interface
For MicroLogic X control unit:
Integrated MTZ active alarms and alarm history
Bugs Fixed
In the General view grid, toggling of intermittent communication status resulted in unhealthy status, which is indicated in orange.
Auto-discovery did not always function when more than nine Modbus slave devices were connected to the same master gateway.
When IO modules were connected to a ComPacT NSX circuit breaker without a BSCM installed, the Quick view circuit breaker status was shown as Open.
For ComPacT NSX circuit breaker without a BSCM installed, some pages in Quick view display were shown as Not Responding in the title bar.
For MasterPacT MTZ circuit breaker, FDM128 displayed incorrect contact wear value in maintenance page.
For MasterPacT MTZ circuit breaker, FDM128 displayed incorrect power factor value in measures page.