
Ethernet port setup

NOTE: Refer to Restoration of temporarily disabled configuration settings in webpages to know availability of these features on your meter model.

The meter is factory-configured with default Ethernet communications settings.

You must modify the default Ethernet settings before connecting the meter to your local area network (LAN) using the meter webpages.

The default Ethernet communications settings are:

  • IP method = Stored

  • IP address =

  • Subnet mask =

  • Gateway =

  • HTTP server = Enabled

  • DPWS = Enabled

  • EtherNet/IP = Enabled

  • DNP3 = Disabled

  • MAC = 00:80:67:8A:F6:64

  • Device name = PM55-#xxxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxxxx is the meter’s factory serial number (with leading zeros if serial number is less than 10 characters)

NOTE: Your meter’s serial communications port ID (Com1 ID) is used in both Ethernet and serial communications; you need to change the Com1 ID meter property in ION Setup if you modify the meter’s RS-485 address.

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