DUG_Iconic Connected Switch 10AX_CLP-00

Pairing Zigbee device manually

To pair the device manually:
  1. On Home page, tap +.
  2. Tap and select the required Wiser Hub on the slide-up menu.
  3. Select an option to add the device (A):
    • Add Device with Install Code
    • Add Device without Install Code

    TIP: It is recommended to add the device with install code.
  4. To pair the device with install code, tap Add Device with Install Code to display the slide-up menu. Select any one of the options (B):
    • Scan Install Code: you can scan the device for the install code.
      TIP: You can find the QR code on the top of the device.
    • Enter Install Code Manually: you can manually enter the install code from the device.
      TIP: You can find the install code on the bottom of the device.
    After scanning or entering the install code, proceed to Step 6.

  5. To pair the device without install code, tap Add Device without Install Code.
  6. Short press the push-button 3 times.

    The LED blinks orange.
  7. In the app, select Confirm LED is blinking orange and tap Start Configuration (C).

    After a few seconds, a solid green LED indicates that the device has been successfully paired to the Hub.
  8. Once the device is added in the app, tap Done.
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and other countries.

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