DUG_Connected Thermostat 16 A, ZB_WH-03

Floor sensors settings

Wiser Home app allows you to update the floor sensor settings that were set during initial configuration.

Floor sensor

To select the floor sensor:

  1. Tap Floor Sensor (A) for slide up menu.

  2. Select the sensor type (kOhm) form the following list.

    • 10K

    • 12K

    • 15K

    • 33K

    • 47K

    • Not fitted

    NOTE: Select correct floor sensor type which is installed and then you can set offset and temperature limit.

Floor sensor offset

To set the offset temperature:

  1. Tap Floor Sensor Offset (B) for a slide-up menu.

  2. Drag the sliding bar to set the offset temperature.

    NOTE: The offset temperature ranges from -9°C to +9°C and can be adjusted in 0.1°C increments.
  3. Tap Save.

Floor sensor limit

To set the upper and lower temperature limit:

  • On setting page, tap Floor Sensor Upper Limit (C) to set upper temperature limit of the floor sensor and then tap Save.

    NOTE: The temperature ranges form 5°C to 19°C and maximum guard temperature should be higher than minimum guard temperature.

  • Tap Floor Sensor Lower Limit (D) to set lower temperature limit of the floor sensor and then tap Save.

    NOTE: The temperature ranges form 21°C to 40°C and minimum guard temperature should be lower than maximum guard temperature.

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