
Upgrade overview

The PowerLogic™ ION9000 series meter supports the PM89RD96 display. The display firmware must be upgraded to v4.0.x to use with PowerLogic™ ION9000 series meters.

Your display must be connected to a PowerLogic™ ION9000 series meter or PowerLogic™ PM8000/ION7400 series meter with meter firmware v2.1.x or later to perform the display firmware upgrade.

Do not perform this display firmware upgrade if you need to use your PM89RD96 with PowerLogic™ PM8000 or ION7400 series meters with meter firmware version v1.4.x and earlier.

unintended display operation
The v4.0.x PM89RD96 display firmware upgrade breaks compatibility with meter firmware versions v1.4.x and earlier.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in loss of display functionality.

Upgrading your display firmware may take up to 15 minutes to complete.

NOTE: If your meter’s display loses power during the firmware upload, the display will revert to its original firmware and you will have to repeat the display firmware upgrade procedure.
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