
Option 1: Upgrade using ION Setup

  1. Start ION Setup.
  2. Open the Setup Assistant for your meter.
  3. Select Template > Upgrade tab then click Upgrade. Enter your meter’s password if prompted and click OK.
  4. Navigate to where you have stored the display firmware upgrade file and select Remote Display (.BIN) as the file type.
  5. Select the rmdupg_rd96_004.000.010.bin firmware file and click Open.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the firmware upgrade. An ION Setup dialog box displays the upgrade progress.
    NOTE: An elapsed timeout is set to 7 minutes.
  7. Refer to “Upgrade status” to confirm the display firmware upgrade was completed.
  8. If the display upgrade status indicates Upgrade not completed, your display may need to be upgraded using the Two-step display firmware upgrade method.
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