DUG_Micro Module Light Switch_WH-04

Creating a moment

  1. On the Home page, tap .
  2. Go to Moments > to create a moment.
  3. Enter the name of the moment (A).
    TIP: You can choose the cover image that best represents your moment by tapping .
  4. Tap Add actions (B) to select the list of devices.
  5. In the Add actions menu, you can select the devices (C).
  6. Once all the device are selected, tap Done.
  7. On the Moment creator page, tap on the device to set the condition. For example, select micromodule switch.
    • Tap (D) to turn on.

    When the desired condition is set, tap Set.

  8. Once all conditions are set, tap Save.
Once the moment is saved, it is visible on the Moments tab. You can tap on the moment to enable it.
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