DUG_IR Converter_CLP-01

Using IR database code number

NOTE: Dedicated for authorized Installer ONLY, not applicable for consumer.

If you know the IR database code number of the device, follow the steps to add the device:

  1. On the Home page, tap All devices > IR Convertor.
  2. Tap on unused channel IR Convertor CH2, (Unused channels have no name displayed against them).
  3. Choose TV as the device type then tap Continue to select the television brand.
  4. Tap on Manual (A)

  5. Select a model from the list.

  6. Tap a button on the remote control display (B) in the app. (For example, the Vol +, button.)
    NOTE: Please verify more than 3 keys operations are successfully confirmed so that IR Convertor recognizes the correct code set.
  7. If the TV responds as expected, tap Select this one (C) and skip step 8 and proceed with step 9.
  8. If the TV does not respond as expected, tap Try next (D) and repeat Steps 6 and 7 using the same button.
    NOTE: Number of try next may vary depending on the brand and its model.

  9. Tap on Confirm (E) on IR Config pop up.

    IR Convertor downloads the IR code set and the app displays the progress.
On successful download, the television IR remote will be visible in the Wiser app Home page.
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and other countries.

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