
Requirements for a Third Party Battery Solution

Battery breaker boxes from Schneider Electric are recommended for the battery interface. Please contact Schneider Electric for more information.

Third Party Battery Breaker Requirements

Hazard of electric shock, explosion, or arc flash
  • All selected battery breakers must be equipped with instantaneous trip functionality with an undervoltage release coil or a shunt trip release coil.
  • Trip delay must be set to zero on all battery breakers.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
NOTE: There are more factors to consider when selecting a battery breaker than the requirements listed below. Please contact Schneider Electric for more information.

Design Requirements for Battery Breaker

Battery breaker rated DC voltage > Normal battery voltage The normal voltage of the battery configuration is defined as the highest nominal occurring battery voltage. This can be equivalent to the float voltage which may be defined as number of battery blocks x number of cells x cell float voltage.
Battery breaker rated DC current > Rated discharge battery current This current is controlled by the UPS and must include maximum discharge current. This will typically be the current at the end of discharge (minimum operation DC voltage or in overload condition or a combination).
DC landings Two DC landings for DC cables (DC+ and DC-) are required.
AUX switches for monitoring One AUX switch must be installed in each battery breaker and connected to the UPS. The UPS can monitor up to four battery breakers.
Short-circuit breaking capability The short-circuit breaking capability must be higher than the short-circuit DC current of the (largest) battery configuration.
Minimum trip current The minimum short-circuit current to trip the battery breaker must match the (smallest) battery configuration, to make the breaker trip in case of a short circuit, up to the end of its life time.
Common battery solution Individual battery breaker for each UPS in the parallel system.

Guidance for Organizing Battery Cables

NOTE: For 3rd party batteries, use only high rate batteries for UPS applications.
NOTE: When the battery bank is placed remotely, the organizing of the cables is important to reduce voltage drop and inductance. The distance between the battery bank and the UPS must not exceed 200 m (656 ft). Contact Schneider Electric for installations with a longer distance.
NOTE: To minimize the risk of electromagnetic radiation, it is highly recommended to follow the below guidance and to use grounded metallic tray supports.
Cable Length
<30 m Not recommended Acceptable Recommended Recommended
31–75 m Not recommended Not recommended Acceptable Recommended
76–150 m Not recommended Not recommended Acceptable Recommended
151–200 m Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Recommended
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