

This manual contains instructions for the proper installation, operation, and maintenance of FlexSeT™ switchboard equipment manufactured by Schneider Electric™. Engineering, installation, and operating staff supervisors must familiarize themselves with this manual and become acquainted with the appearance and characteristics of each piece of equipment mounted or contained in the switchboard.

These instructions and procedures apply to FlexSeT switchboard installations by Schneider Electric. When special features or non-standard components are incorporated in the switchboard, detailed instructions for these components are included in the instruction material holder.

Inspection and Packaging

Every FlexSeT switchboard is carefully inspected and packaged at the assembly plant. Construction of the switchboard is checked, both structurally and electrically, for compliance with all specifications, codes, and standards. After a complete inspection, the switchboard is prepared for shipment. The factory order number, an identification number, and the shipping weights are plainly marked on each shipping section.

Document Replacement

Contact your local Schneider Electric representative to replace lost or damaged wiring diagrams and instruction sheets. Use the factory order number as a reference.

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