
Masterpact MTZ1 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Masterpact MTZ1 Device

This chapter contains information for troubleshooting problems in a working system. It assumes that the system is correctly installed and that all the commissioning tests (see Masterpact MTZ1 Device Commissioning Tests) have been completed successfully. The troubleshooting operations are described under the following headings:

  • Cradle operation

  • Unexpected tripping

  • Mechanical control operations

  • Electrical control operations

  • Control operations from Masterpact MTZ Mobile App

  • Control operations from IO module

  • Control operations from Ecoreach software

  • Control operations from IFE/EIFE webpages

  • Control operations from communication network

  • Control operations from FDM128 display

Troubleshooting the Masterpact MTZ Device with Assistance

Assistance for troubleshooting is provided by the Masterpact Operation Assistant Digital Module, which is available to be downloaded from GoDigital.

The Masterpact Operation Assistant Digital Module helps to close a circuit breaker after a trip or an opening.

The following features are available:

  • Ready-to-close status

  • Reset (if applicable)

  • Spring charging (if applicable)

  • Diagnostics on related reclosing information, for example, no power supply to shunt trip (MX) , undervoltage release (MN), or spring charging motor (MCH)

Refer to Micrologic X Control Unit - User Guide (DOCA0102EN) for more information about downloading Digital Modules.

Events Related to a Masterpact MTZ Closing Action

Problem Description

Probable Causes


Device cannot be closed locally or remotely.

Device is padlocked or keylocked in the open position.

Disable the locking function.

Device is interlocked mechanically in a mechanical interlocking system.

  • Check the position of the other device in the changeover system.

  • Modify the situation to release the interlock.

Device is not correctly connected.

Rack device in to connected position.

The fault-trip reset button has not been reset.

  • Clear the fault.

  • Push the fault-trip reset button.

Stored energy mechanism is not charged.

  • Charge the mechanism manually.

  • If the device is equipped with a spring charging motor (MCH), check the supply of power to the motor. If the problem persists, replace the spring charging motor (MCH).

Shunt trip (MX) is permanently supplied.

As there is an opening order, determine the origin of the order. The order must be canceled before the device can be closed.

MN undervoltage release is not supplied.

  • As there is an opening order, determine the origin of the order.

  • Check the voltage and the supply circuit (U > 0.85 Un).

If the problem persists, replace the undervoltage release (MN).

Shunt close (XF) is continuously supplied, but device is not ready-to-close (XF is not wired in series with ready-toclose contact (PF)).

  • Remove the power supply to the shunt close (XF).

  • Only if the device is ready-to-close, send the closing order again via the shunt close (XF).

Device cannot be closed remotely but can be closed locally using the closing pushbutton.

Closing order not executed by the shunt close (XF).

Check the voltage and the supply circuit (0.85–1.1 Vn).

If the problem persists, replace the shunt close (XF).

Device can be reset locally but not remotely.

Insufficient supply voltage for the spring charging motor (MCH).

Check the voltage and the supply circuit (0.7–1.1 Vn).

If the problem persists, replace the spring charging motor (MCH).

Events Related to an Masterpact MTZ Opening Action

Problem Description

Probable Causes


Device cannot be opened locally.

Operating mechanism did not open or welded contacts.

Contact a Schneider Electric service center.

Opening order is not executed by the shunt trip (MX).

Check the voltage and the supply circuit (0.7–1.1 Vn).

If the problem persists, replace the shunt trip (MX).

Device cannot be opened remotely, but can be opened locally.

Opening order is not executed by the undervoltage release (MN).

Drop in voltage insufficient or residual voltage (> 0.35 Vn) across the terminals of the undervoltage release (MN).

If the problem persists, replace the MN undervoltage release.

Events Related to the Masterpact MTZ Cradle

Problem Description

Probable Causes


Impossible to insert the racking handle in connected, test, or disconnected position.

A padlock or keylock is present on the cradle or a door interlock is present.

Disable the locking function.

Impossible to turn the racking handle.

The stop release button has not been pressed and so the racking handle cannot be rotated.

Press the stop release button.

Device cannot be removed from cradle.

Device is not in the disconnected position.

Turn the racking handle until the device is in the disconnected position and the stop release button pops out.

Rails are not completely out.

Pull the rails of the cradle out.

Device cannot be connected (racked in).

Cradle and device do not match (cradle rejection kit pins do not align).

Check that the cradle corresponds with the device.

Safety shutters are locked.

Remove the locks.

Device clusters are incorrectly positioned.

Reposition the device clusters.

Cradle is locked in the disconnected position.

Disable the cradle locking function.

The stop release button has not been pressed and so the racking handle cannot be rotated.

Press the stop release button.

Device has not been sufficiently inserted in the cradle.

Insert the device completely so that it is engaged in the racking mechanism.

Device cannot be locked in the disconnected position.

Device is not in the right position.

Check the device position by verifying that the stop release button is out.

Racking handle is still in the cradle.

Remove the racking handle and store it.

Device cannot be locked in the connected, test, or disconnected position.

Locking in any position is not enabled.

Contact a Schneider Electric service center.

Device is not in the right position.

Check the device position by verifying that the stop release button is out.

Racking handle is still in the cradle.

Remove the racking handle and store it.

The racking handle cannot be inserted to connect or disconnect the device.

Rails are not completely in.

Push the rails all the way in.

The right-hand rail (cradle alone) or the device cannot be drawn out.

Racking handle is still in the cradle.

Remove the racking handle and store it.

Unexpected Tripping of the Masterpact MTZ Device

Problem Description

Probable Causes


Unexpected opening without activation of the fault-trip reset button.

Undervoltage release (MN) supply voltage is too low.

Check the voltage and the supply circuit (V > 0.85 Un).

Load-shedding order sent to the shunt trip (MX) by another device.

  • Check the overall load on the distribution system.

  • If necessary, modify the settings of devices in the installation.

Unnecessary opening order from the MX shunt trip.

Determine the origin of the order and cancel it.

Unexpected tripping with activation of the fault-trip reset button.

An electrical fault is present, among:

  • Overload

  • Ground-fault

  • Short-circuit detected by the control unit

Refer to Masterpact MTZ critical cases (see Masterpact MTZ Critical Cases) .

Instantaneous tripping after each attempt to close the device with activation of the fault-trip reset button.

Thermal memory.

  • Reset the thermal memory on screen. Refer to Micrologic X Control Unit - User Guide.

  • Press the fault-trip reset button.

Transient overcurrent when closing.

  • Modify the distribution system or the control unit settings.

  • Check the condition of the device before putting it back into service.

  • Press the fault-trip reset button.

Closing on a short-circuit.

Refer to Masterpact MTZ critical cases (see Masterpact MTZ Critical Cases).

Nuisance tripping of the device with activation of the fault-trip reset button.

Fault-trip reset button is not pushed in completely.

Push in the fault-trip reset button completely.

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