
Prepare the UPS for Internal Busbar Connection

  1. Remove the transparent protection covers (marked (A) on the illustration) from the UPS.
    NOTE: On older UPS models, the plastic box (marked (B) on the illustration) is present on the shelf and will need modification described in later instructions. On newer UPS models, the box (marked (C) on the illustration) is integrated in the inner door of the UPS instead of being a separate part. The integrated box must not be removed from the inner door. The integrated box does not need modification.

    Front View of the UPS Model with Separate Plastic Box

    Front View of the UPS Model with the Box Integrated in the Inner Door

  2. Remove the busbars from the UPS. Save the busbars marked (c) for load bank breaker (LBB) option if this is part of the system. Discard the busbars marked (a), (b) and (d).

    Front View of the UPS

  3. Only for HRG earthing system: Disconnect and discard the two cables that connect the E terminal on the bonding contactor to the ground busbar.

    Front Left View of the UPS

  4. Reposition the ground busbar in the UPS:
    1. Disconnect the EMC cable, the EMC cable holder, and the bonding cables from the ground busbar. Note the connection of the cables on the ground busbar.
    2. Remove and discard the copper busbar.
    3. Move the ground busbar to the new position.
    4. Hold onto the EMC cable holder and pull gently on the end of the EMC cable to extend the length. Reconnect the EMC cable to the ground busbar.
    5. Reconnect the bonding cables to the ground busbar.
  5. Only for HRG earthing system: Connect an external impedance between the E terminal on the bonding contactor and the ground busbar according to NEC 2014 article 250.36.

    Front Left View of the UPS

  6. Only for UPS with the plastic box as a separate part: Bend the M zone flaps upwards on the plastic box. This is necessary to make room for the internal busbars between the output transformer cabinet and the UPS. Skip this step if the box is integrated in the inner door of the UPS. The integrated box does not need modification to fit with the internal busbars.
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