
Overload and Short Circuit (LSI) Protection

1. With the PC directly connected to the control unit's USB port and with EcoStruxure Power Commission software connected to the control unit, place the circuit breaker into ERMS mode by turning the physical ERMS switch to the "ON" state or engaging the function through the EcoStruxure Power Device app.

2. Verify "ERMS ENGAGED" banner is displayed.

3. Select “Prepare for Primary Injection Tests”.

4. Select “LSI Protection”.

5. Click “Prepare for Test”.

6. Read and understand notice.

7. Press “I UNDERSTAND”.

8. Enter level 3 or administrator password.

9. Click “Continue”.

10. Software confirms device is prepared for primary injection testing.

11. Apply the primary current to the circuit breaker.

12. Select the "TEST DONE" button for the following:

  • Testing is completed.

  • Circuit breaker trips – any time the circuit breaker trips while the LSI protection function is active, the LSI PROTECTION function must be restarted.

13. To confirm testing is done, press “Proceed”.

14. Screen confirms testing is over and settings have been restored.

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