Personalized Energy Insights (Estimated energy)
Tap (A) and select a required time frame: Months or Years.
Scroll down to view the breakdown of consumption.
TIP: Tap (B) to switch from estimated history to measured history.
The cards (C) shows only the 5 high consuming products for the selected time period. The loads that appear at the top are based on the usage across the whole range. For example, if EVlink Home Smart is not much used in October then, it will be shown in the Others (D) card. The updated consumption value will be shown in the breakdown part when you scroll down.
The custom labels for loads are grouped in Others breakdown (D).
On the Insights page, you can see the following:
Annual bill as per the tariff set (A).
Comparison of energy consumption with similar homes.
- Update home profile (D).
Your top energy saving tip according to your usage (E).
List of all tips to save energy (F).
Tap (F) to view all tips:
Tap Read more to view the detailed information of the tip and your early estimated savings.
Tap Mark As Done if you have utilized the tip. The completed tip is shown in the Done tab (H).