
Harmonic voltage

All harmonic measurements are performed as defined by IEC 61000-4-30.

  • Observation period of one week with fixed steps of 10 minutes.

  • N = the number of valid 10-minute intervals monitored by your meter.

  • N1 = number of intervals in which one or more of the individual harmonic levels defined in the table below are exceeded.

  • N2 = number of intervals in which the THD (total harmonic distortion) value for each voltage phase exceeds 8%. The THD calculation includes all harmonics up to the highest value the modules goes up to (40th, 50th or 63rd).

  • Ninvalid = the number of observed intervals or partial intervals that are not included in EN50160:2010 compliance calculations.

Harmonic voltage complies with the standard if N1/N ≤ 5% and N2/N ≤ 5% during the observation period.

Harmonic voltage criteria for low voltage systems

Odd harmonics

Order h Relative amplitude uh Multiple of 3
3 5.0% Yes
5 6.0% No
7 5.0% No
9 1.5% Yes
11 3.5% No
13 3.0% No
15 0.5% Yes
17 2.0% No
19 1.5% No
21 0.5% Yes
23 1.5% No
25 1.5% No

Even harmonics

Order h Relative amplitude uh
2 2.0%
4 1.0%
6....24 0.5%
NOTE: No values are given for harmonics of order higher than 25, as they are usually small, but largely unpredictable due to resonance effects.
NOTE: To configure your meter for medium or high voltage systems, configure the Harmonics Evaluation modules’ limits for medium or high harmonic voltage criteria.

EN50160 data (current observation period): the meter generates the N, N1 and N2 counts described. These counters are reset at the beginning of the next observation period.

EN50160 data (previous observation period): the meter stores the N, N1 and N2 counter values at the end of each observation period before these counters are reset. These registers are also stored in a data recorder for each observation period.

Events: the meter creates an entry in its onboard event log every time the N1 and N2 counters increases. The N1 event includes the associated harmonic.

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