
Transfer a Single UPS from Maintenance Bypass Mode to Normal Mode

  1. Check that all breakers except the maintenance bypass breaker MBB are in the OFF (open) position.
  2. Turn the static switch input breaker SSIB to the ON (closed) position.

    The display turns on and the Home screen is shown.

  3. Turn the unit output breaker UOB to the ON (closed) position.

    The UPS starts up in static bypass mode. Wait approximately 60 seconds until the bypass LED turns yellow.

  4. Turn the unit input breaker UIB to the ON (closed) position.

    The rectifier ramps up.

  5. Turn the battery breaker(s) BB to the ON (closed) position.
  6. Turn the maintenance bypass breaker MBB to the OFF (open) position.

    The UPS automatically transfers to normal mode.

    NOTE: If autostart is disabled, the inverter and bypass will not restart automatically. From the home screen on the display select Control > Inverter ON/OFF > Turn Single INV ON.
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