DUG_SysM - Connected Thermostat 2 A, ZB_WH-05

Room setting

You can set channel, occupancy and window detection in the room settings.

  1. On the Home page select the thermostat for which you want to change room setting.

  2. On control panel of thermostat, tap Room setting to open room details.

Channel settings

If the thermostat and under floor heating device are in same room you can change channel which is assigned to same room as thermostat by tapping on Channel in room details and select the channel.


You can change the occupancy settings according to user requirement by tapping Occupancy in room details.

  • Unoccupied Offset: You set the setpoint when room is unoccupied.
    This helps to save energy by allowing the temperature to drift from the normal setpoint to a less comfortable but more energy-efficient level when the space is not in use.

  • Occupied to Unoccupied Delay: You can set the time delay between a room being occupied and then transitioning to an unoccupied state.
    his delay ensures that the system doesn't immediately switch to an unoccupied mode when a room becomes vacant, preventing unnecessary fluctuations and providing a grace period in case the room becomes occupied again shortly after being unoccupied. This delay helps to optimize energy efficiency and maintain comfort within the building.

  • Minimum Occupied Time: You can set the minimum duration for which the thermostat detects occupancy before it takes certain actions, such as adjusting temperature settings to unoccupied setpoint. This feature helps prevent the system from reacting to short-term movements or presence, ensuring that it responds to sustained occupancy, thereby optimizing energy usage and maintaining comfort effectively.

Open window detection

Windows open detection in a thermostat is a feature that utilizes sensors to detect when windows or doors are open in the vicinity. When an open window or door is detected, the thermostat can adjust the heating system to conserve energy. This helps improve energy efficiency and can contribute to cost savings by ensuring that the system operates more intelligently in response to changes in the indoor environment.
Switch the toggle to enable open window detection.

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