DUG_SysM - Connected Thermostat 2 A, ZB_WH-05

Google Home

Google Home is a brand of smart speakers that works like Alexa. You can use Google Assistant to request information or perform an action using a variety of commands.”

Common Wiser commands for Google Home:

  • Inquiry: “OK, Google, is the hot water on?”

  • Hot Water Command: “OK, Google, turn on/off the hot water.

  • Room Temperature: “OK, Google, how warm is (room name)?”

  • Set Temperature: “OK, Google, set (room name) to XX degrees.”

  • Increase Temperature: “OK, Google, increase the setpoint by XX degrees.”

  • Set Temperature: “OK, Google, set (room name) to XX degree.”

Changes made with Google Home

All changes are made using a voice command related to the thermostat, valid for one hour or until the next scheduled event. The user cannot change this action. This also applies to boosts initiated from the radiator thermostat.

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