
Home Screen

The Home Screen provides an overview of all the Devices of your home.

On the Home Screen you can view the status of Devices, as well as control Devices quickly. The Home Screen informs you about the local weather and much more. You can also activate your favorite moments.

Overview of the elements on the Home Screen:


Home screen

Tap to show the Home Screen


Room Quick Info

Compact display of information about the devices in a Room. Tap to expand/collapse the Room Device list.


Devices in a Room

Tap a Device to open the Device Control.


Room List

Drag to scroll through the list.

Tap to navigate to Room.



Tap to activate a Moment.


Local weather

Displays weather, temperature and location.



Tap to navigate to the settings screen.


Time of sunrise and sunset.

Displays time of sunrise and sunset.


Room order

Tap to rearrange the Room list.


Quick Access

Tap to control the Device without having to navigate to the Device Control

Available function depends on Device type.


Room details

Tap to expand / collapse a Room.



Tap to navigate to the Insights screen. Here you can find detailed information about your Wiser system such as energy saving, system activity, heating time and access to your heat report.

NOTE: When you added an Energy device, like PowerTag E, tapping will open the Energy information. Please read the relevant Device User Guide of the device for more information. Refer to List of Wiser Devices for the links to Device user guide for each devices.



Tap to navigate to the Automation screen, where you can set up Moments, Schedules and more. Please read the relevant Device User Guide of the device for more information. Refer to List of Wiser Devices for the links to Device user guide for each devices.


Device Offline

The device is offline.

Tap on the device to open the popup with troubleshooting steps. Tap Learn more to know more about the zigbee signal strength and tap Help & Support if you require further assistance and visit our Wiser Support Pages.

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