
Away Mode

The Away Mode is designed to set your home in a state that is sensible when you are away for longer periods of time (e.g. being away for the weekend). It temporarily overrides the normal control (e.g. moments, automation) implemented in the Hub. When you disable the away mode, the controls revert to the state they where prior to entering the Away mode.

The default setting of the Away mode is to set the target temperature of all rooms in your Home to 16 °C.

You can change the target value and change the state of the devices (turn off lights, close shutters etc.) and their behavior to the Away Mode.

Set the Device State in Away Mode:

  1. On the home page, tap > Away Mode.

  2. Tap the toggle switch to enable/disable the device when in away mode.

Enable/Disable Away Mode

  1. On the home page, tap Automation (A).

  2. Tap Away Mode (B) to activate or deactivate the away mode.

    NOTE: If Boost Mode is active, Away Mode will lower the target temperature of all boosted heaters, if the Boost value is higher than the Away Mode value.

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