
Installation Procedure

Single Mains – Top Entry

Dual Mains – Top Entry

Single Mains – Bottom Entry

Dual Mains – Bottom Entry

  1. Install the Seismic Anchoring (Option).
  2. Prepare for Installation.
  3. Connect the Power Cables.
  4. Interconnect the UPS with the Maintenance Bypass Cabinet.
  5. Prepare the UPS for Internal Busbar Connection.
  6. Connect the busbars between the UPS and the maintenance bypass cabinet. Perform one of the following procedures:
  7. Install Busbars for Load Bank Breaker (Option).
  8. Prepare for signal cabling. Perform one of the following procedures:
  9. Connect the Signal Cables Between the Maintenance Bypass Cabinet and the UPS.
  10. Follow the UPS installation manual and other auxiliary product installation manuals to connect relevant signal cables and external communication cables in the UPS.
  11. Add Translated Safety Labels to Your Product.
  12. Final Installation.
For moving or decommissioning the maintenance bypass cabinet after installation has been completed, please see Decommission or Move the Maintenance Bypass Cabinet to a New Location.
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