
Command Interface

General Description

The command interface is used to:

  • send remote commands

  • send remote control commands

Remote commands are non-intrusive commands. They are not password-protected and always enabled.

Remote control commands are intrusive commands and can either be dangerous to personnel near the circuit breaker or can cause equipment damage if the protection settings are altered. Therefore, remote control commands are:

  • protected by password where a password is required in the command

  • protected by configuration:

    • with the IFM interface, the remote control commands are enabled when the locking pad on the IFM interface is in the open position.

    • with the IFE interface, the remote control commands are enabled when the locking pad on the IFE interface is in the open position.

    • with the EIFE interface, the remote control commands are enabled when the intrusive command mode is unlocked by EIFE configuration using the EcoStruxure Power Commission software.

Each command has a specific code. For example, command code 904 defines the command to open the circuit breaker.

Executing a Command

Follow these steps to execute a command:




Load a buffer.


Write this buffer with a write request (Modbus function 16) starting at register 8000.


Read the command status register 8021, and wait while its content shows that the command is still in progress (0x0003).


Read the command code register 8020:

  • If content of register 8020 is the command code entered in register 8000 at step 2, go to next step.

  • If content of register 8020 is different from the command code entered in register 8000 at step 2, restart at step 1.


Read the error code in the LSB of register 8021:

  • If LSB ≠ 0, then the command failed. Check the error code to understand the cause (see next paragraph). For example, if register 8021 returns 4609 (0x1201), then the error code is 1, which means that the password is not correct (insufficient user rights).

  • If LSB = 0, then the command is executed with no errors.

NOTE: The Modbus application will wait for the complete execution of one command before sending its next command. In case of no response, the Modbus application can resend the command. In this case, the first command will be aborted automatically.

Command Diagram

The following diagram shows the steps to follow in order to execute a command:

Command Data Structure

The command interface uses registers 8000 to 8149:

  • The input parameters of a command are written in registers 8000 to 8015. The registers 8016 to 8019 are reserved.

  • The data returned after command execution are written in registers 8020 to 8149.

The input parameters of a command are detailed in the following table:







Command code

Writing at this register triggers the command using the parameters in the following registers.



Parameter length

Number of bytes used for the parameters including this one (from 10 to 30). This value is provided for each command.




A constant value provided for each command.

Factory setting: 0x0000



Security type

A constant value provided for each command:

  • 0 for non-intrusive commands not protected by password

  • 1 for intrusive commands protected by a password






The password is composed of 4 ASCII bytes.

The password to use depends on the command.

This information is provided for each command.



Additional parameters

Additional parameters define how the command is performed. Some commands have no additional parameters.




Must be set to 0 (factory setting).




Must be set to 8019 (factory setting).




Must be set to 8020 (factory setting).




Must be set to 8021 (factory setting).

The data returned after command execution are detailed in the following table:







Last command code

When the command has been executed, it holds the last command code.



Command status

When the command exits the busy state, it holds the completion code.



Data buffer size

Number of bytes returned.



Data buffer

Returned values. It is empty if the previous register is 0.

Command Status

When the command is successful, the command status is 0.

When the command is in progress, the command status is 3.

When the command generates an error, the command status register contains:

  • LSB: the error code

  • MSB: the address of the module that generates the error

Module Returning the Command Result

The following table lists the addresses of the modules:

Module Address


1 (0x01)

UTA maintenance module

2 (0x02)

FDM121 ULP display for one circuit breaker

3 (0x03)

IFM Modbus-SL interface for one circuit breaker

17 (0x11)

BSCM circuit breaker status control module for ComPact NSX

18 (0x12)

BCM ULP circuit breaker communication module for MasterPact NT/NW and ComPact NS

20 (0x14)

MicroLogic trip unit of ComPact NSX

21 (0x15)

MicroLogic control unit of MasterPact MTZ

32 (0x20)

IO input/output application module 1 for one circuit breaker

33 (0x21)

IO input/output application module 2 for one circuit breaker

34 (0x22)

  • IFE Ethernet interface for one circuit breaker

  • IFE Ethernet switchboard server

NOTE: The MicroLogic trip units of MasterPact NT/NW and ComPact NS circuit breakers do not have an IMU module address.

Result of the Command

The following table lists the codes corresponding to the result of the command.



0 (0x00)

Successful command

1 (0x01)

Insufficient user rights (incorrect password)

2 (0x02)

Access violation (IFM locking pad is locked or, IFE locking pad is locked or intrusive command mode is locked).

3 (0x03)

Unable to perform a read access

4 (0x04)

Unable to perform a write access

5 (0x05)

Unable to execute service (IFM locking pad locked)

6 (0x06)

Not enough memory

7 (0x07)

Allocated memory is too small

8 (0x08)

Resource is not available

9 (0x09)

Resource does not exist

10 (0x0A)

Resource already exists

11 (0x0B)

Resource is out of order

12 (0x0C)

Access out of available memory

13 (0x0D)

String is too long

14 (0x0E)

Buffer is too small

15 (0x0F)

Buffer is too big

16 (0x10)

Input argument is out of range

17 (0x11)

Requested security level is not supported

18 (0x12)

Requested component is not supported

19 (0x13)

Command is not supported

20 (0x14)

Input argument has an unsupported value

21 (0x15)

Internal error during command

22 (0x16)

Timeout during command

23 (0x17)

Checksum error during command

24 (0x18)

Unsupported destination

151 (0x97)

Circuit breaker tripped, reset before commands

152 (0x98)

Circuit breaker already closed

153 (0x99)

Circuit breaker already open

154 (0x9A)

Circuit breaker already reset

155 (0x9B)

Actuator in manual mode

156 (0x9C)

Actuator not present

157 (0x9D)

Bad ASIC configuration

158 (0x9E)

Previous command in progress

159 (0x9F)

Reset command forbidden

160 (0xA0)

Inhibit mode on

169 (0xA9)

Already in asked state

170 (0xAA)

Unable to preset counters

171 (0xAB)

Output command rejected, already assigned

172 (0xAC)

Emitter not allowed to perform the command

173 (0xAD)

Mode not relevant with requested command

174 (0xAE)

Session key is invalid

175 (0xAF)

Out of session scope

176 (0xB0)

Session is already opened

177 (0xB1)

No session is open

178 (0xB2)

No valid setting was submitted

180 (0xB4)

Wireless component not started

190 (0xBE)

Read and get an invalid value

191 (0xBF)

License is not installed

Command Not Supported

The guide describes the commands available for each IMU module with the latest firmware version. When a command described in the guide is not implemented in an IMU module that has an old firmware version, the command status is returned with the error code 19 (0x13), command is not supported.

You can update the firmware of the IMU modules by using the EcoStruxure Power Commission software.