Password Management
General Description
Remote access to data on MicroLogic trip units and the ULP modules of the IMU is protected by password. Remote access includes:
The communication network
EcoStruxure Power Commission software
FDM128 display
IFE webpages
The following four profiles are defined for remote access. Each IMU has a different password for each user profile.
The Administrator password is required to write the settings to the MicroLogic trip unit and the ULP modules of the IMU using the EcoStruxure Power Commission EcoStruxure Power Commission Software.
Each intrusive command via the command interface is assigned to one or several user profiles, and protected by the corresponding user profile password. The password for each intrusive command is indicated in the description of the command.
No password is required for non-intrusive commands through the command interface.
Default Passwords
Change default passwords at first use to help prevent
unauthorized access to device settings, controls, and information.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
The default password for each user profile is as follows:
User profile |
Default password |
Administrator |
‘0000’ = 0x30303030 |
Services |
‘1111’ = 0x31313131 |
Engineer |
‘2222’ = 0x32323232 |
Operator |
‘3333’ = 0x33333333 |
Changing a Password
A password can be changed with the EcoStruxure Power Commission Software.
Entering the current password for a given user profile is required to change the password of this user profile. Entering the Administrator password enables you to change the password of any user profile.
A password is composed of exactly 4 ASCII characters. It is case-sensitive and the allowed characters are:
Digits from 0 to 9
Letters from a to z
Letters from A to Z
Passwords of the IMU
The MicroLogic trip unit and the ULP modules of the IMU must be protected by the same passwords for each user profile.
When using EcoStruxure Power Commission software to modify a password, the password gets modified in the MicroLogic trip unit and the ULP modules of the IMU.
It is compulsory to assign the current IMU passwords to the new module in the IMU, in case of:
addition of a new ULP module in the IMU.
replacement of the MicroLogic trip unit or one of the ULP module of the IMU.
Use EcoStruxure Power Commission software to modify the passwords of the new module to the current IMU passwords.
Example: Addition of an IO module in an IMU with a MicroLogic trip unit and an IFE interface.
The IMU has user-defined passwords for each user profile.
The IO module has the default passwords for each user profile.
Use EcoStruxure Power Commission software to replace the default passwords of the IO module by the user-defined passwords of the IMU for each user profile.
Password Reset
In case that the Administrator password of the (IMU) is lost or forgotten, the password can be reset to the default password with EcoStruxure Power Commission Software and the support of the Schneider Electric Customer Care Center.