
Specifications for Easy UPS 3L

In Easy UPS 3L systems E3MBP60K400H can only be used as a single maintenance bypass panel.

Overview of Easy UPS 3L System with Maintenance Bypass Panel

UIB Unit input breaker
SSIB Static switch input breaker
UOB Unit output switch
MBB Maintenance bypass switch
BB Battery breaker

Easy UPS 3L Single Mains System

Easy UPS 3L Dual Mains System

Recommended Cable Sizes for Easy UPS 3L

hazard of electric shock, explosion, or arc flash
All wiring must comply with all applicable national and/or electrical codes. The maximum allowable cable size is 240 mm².
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Cable sizes in this manual are based on table B.52.5 of IEC 60364-5-52 with the following assertions:

  • 90 °C conductors

  • An ambient temperature of 30 °C

  • Use of copper conductors (Tin)

  • Installation method C

PE size is based on table 54.2 of IEC 60364-4-54.

If the ambient temperature is greater than 30 °C, larger conductors are to be used in accordance with the correction factors of the IEC.

NOTE: Refer to the UPS installation manual for UPS input cable sizes.
UPS rating   Per Phase (mm²) Neutral (mm2) PE (mm²)
250 kVA UPS output 2x120 2x120 120
Input (single mains)/
bypass (dual mains)
4x50 4x50 2x50
Load 4x50 4x50 2x50
300 kVA UPS output 2x150 2x150 150
Input (single mains)/
bypass (dual mains)
4x70 4x70 2x70
Load 4x70 4x70 2x70
400 kVA UPS output 2x240 2x240 240
Input (single mains)/
bypass (dual mains)
4x95 4x95 2x95
Load 4x95 4x95 2x95

Recommended Upstream Protection for Easy UPS 3L

NOTE: For local directives which require 4-pole circuit breakers: If neutral conductor is expected to carry a high current, due to line-neutral non-linear load, the circuit breaker must be rated according to expected neutral current.
UPS rating Breaker type Io In Ir Isd
250 kVA NSX630N mic2.3 (C63N32D630) 500 0.95 1.5-10
300 kVA NS630bN mic2.0 (NS33460) 630 0.9 1.5-10
400 kVA NS800N mic2.0 (NS33466) 800 0.95 1.5-10
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