- Example 1:
Event 1: Set heating to 19 °C at 6:30.
Event 2: Set heating to 15 °C at 8:30.Result: This action maintains the temperature at 19 °C from 6:30 to 8:30, and at 8.30, it changes to 15 °C.
- Example :
Event 1: Set kitchen light to 'ON' at 19:00.
Event 2: Set kitchen light to 'OFF' at 23:00.Result: This action keeps the kitchen light ON from 19:00 to 23:00, and at 23:00, the kitchen light turns OFF.
Schedules are created and edited on the Automation screen (A)
Tap a Schedule to navigate to the Schedule details.
Schedule details:
A |
Device type A Schedule can only be set for one specific Device type. |
B |
Name of the Schedule |
C |
Devices the Schedule applies to |
D |
Event list The events of the Schedule are listed here, sorted by day of the week. The bars give an overview of the status of the device during an event (e.g. full green bar when shutter fully open). The time of the event is shown next to the bar. |