
General Features

The following table presents the availability of general features on Panel Server Advanced in firmware version 002.001.000.


Not available

General features



Separated network topology

Switched network topology

Connection to Edge Control (EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert, EcoStruxure Power Operation,EcoStruxure Building Operation, any Building Management System, or third-party monitoring or supervision system)

Ability to disable concurrently and permanently the wireless networks (Wi-Fi and IEEE 802.15.4) by using Panel Server webpages


2.4 GHz

5 GHz

External Wi-Fi antenna (reference: PASA-ANT1)

Wi-Fi access point, available to connect a smartphone running the Schneider Electric EcoStruxure Power Commission mobile app

Human Machine Interface (HMI)

FDM128 Ethernet display


User management by single user account

User management by multiple users with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)


  • In general, publication of alarms supported by the end devices.

  • Publication of alarms related to the following:

    • Communication issue between a device and Panel Server when available from the end devices

    • Alarm associated to ERMS on circuit breaker

    • The three levels of alarms from HeatTag sensors

    • Alarms associated to Breaker I/O device connected downstream to an I/O Smart Link gateway

    • Communication loss alarm for wireless device connected downstream to a child gateway.


Modbus TCP/IP server

Modbus TCP/IP client

DHCP client

DHCP server

DPWS server


SFTP client


Data export

Panel Server webpages for publication on SFTP server or HTTPS server

Publication on Schneider Electric cloud by using Panel Server webpages

CSV export on PC by using Panel Server webpages

Maximum Configuration

The maximum number of devices that can be configured in a system with a Panel Server Advanced depends on the type of connected devices:

Device type

Maximum concurrent number of devices

Wireless device (not supported by PAS600LWD and PAS600PWD)

PowerTag Energy sensors


PowerLogic Tag energy sensors


Acti9 Active devices


Wireless indication auxiliaries for ComPacT and PowerPacT circuit breakers


MasterPacT MTZ circuit breakers with MicroLogic Active AP or EP control unit


Wireless CO2 sensors


Wireless temperature and humidity sensors


PowerTag A devices


PowerTag Ambient sensors


Easergy TH110/CL110 environmental sensors


PowerLogic HeatTag sensors


PowerTag Control devices


PowerLogic PD100 devices


Exiway Link devices


The recommendation for a mixed configuration of wireless devices is as follows:

  • Any combination of wireless devices listed in the rows above should not exceed 40 devices.

  • The total number of PowerTag Control, PowerLogic HeatTag, PowerLogic PD100, MasterPacT MTZ, and Exiway Link devices should not exceed 20 devices.

Modbus-SL devices



NOTE: The maximum number depends on the serial line length and the type of device(s)

I/O devices:

  • I/O Smart Link device

  • Acti9 Smartlink Modbus-SL device

  • SmartLink SIB gateway

  • 8 I/O Smart Link or Acti9 Smartlink Modbus-SL devices connected to Panel Server serial line

  • OR

    1 SmartLink SIB + 7 I/O Smart Link or Acti9 Smartlink Modbus-SL devices

  • OR

    8 SmartLink SIB

Modbus TCP/IP devices

Devices physically connected to the Panel Server and virtual devices, that is, IEEE 802.15.4 wireless devices connected to a child Panel Server gateway


NOTE: The Panel Server supports 64 simultaneous Modbus TCP/IP client connections (for example, SCADA system).

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