
New Features

  • When data publication is activated by any method, three years of historized data is retained on the Panel Server. The last three months of historized data are published by the method selected.

  • When the sampling period (frequency) is changed locally or by a remote configuration, historical logged data points are retained and migrated to comply with the new sampling period, with the following results:

    • Reducing the frequency (for example, changing the period from 5 minutes to 10 minutes): The data points relevant to the reduced frequency are retained. Intermediate data points are deleted.

    • Increasing the frequency (for example, changing the period from 10 minutes to 5 minutes): Data points for which no historical data exists are duplicated from existing historical data (data points on either side), which may create non-linear trends where linear trends are expected.

  • Custom models management improvement: you can update an existing custom model to a new version, and propagate the changes to the associated devices without deleting and rediscovering the associated devices.

    For more information about importing custom model updates, refer to DOCA0172EN EcoStruxure Panel Server - User Guide.

  • Number of concurrent supported devices increased to 85 for certain devices. For more information, refer to General Features.

  • The communication period of a wireless device can be set either at the family device level (for example, for all sensors) or individually, device by device to provide better granularity. For Energy-related wireless devices, it is possible to individually set 2 seconds as the communication period.

  • Output control from cloud: this function allows you to manage remote output control orders from a cloud application to a PowerTag Control IO device paired to the Panel Server. You can enable or disable the function in the Panel Server webpages.

  • Modbus Serial settings are available for Modbus registers via Modbus address 255. The following parameters can be consulted:

    • Modbus address: fixed at 255

    • Parity

    • Baud rate

    • Number of stop bits

    For more information, refer to DOCA0241EN EcoStruxure Panel Server - Modbus File

  • Improvement in handling of incorrect remote configuration. On reception, the remote configuration is pre-parsed and errors are stored in the logs.

    If the Panel Server cannot execute the incorrect configuration, the Panel Server stops data publication to allow the cloud application to check the logs and retrieve the details. The cloud service icon is orange.

  • Modbus registers read improvements:

    • Read content of registers of Modbus TCP/IP devices connected downstream from the Panel Server

    • Additional read function code FC01 Read coils status

    • Other formats than hexadecimal are available.

  • Panel Server webpage user experience improvements:

    • In the Monitoring & Control pages, the following improvements are available:

      • In the Advanced data page, after automatic refresh, the table display maintains current view instead of reverting to top of table.

      • In the Advanced data page, active energy data is displayed in the first data columns for improved visibility.

      • Column sorting is available by clicking the icon in the header row of each column:

        • Data in column can be sorted
        • Data in column is sorted in descending alphabetical or numerical order
        • Data in column is sorted in ascending alphabetical or numerical order

    • In Maintenance > Device communication status information is available for Input/Output of a wireless PowerTag Control device.

    • In all pages where settings can be changed, the exit popup message offers the choice of continuing with or without saving setting changes.

    • Energy units displayed more consistently:

      • In Home page, Active energy is displayed in KWh, with no decimals.

      • In Monitoring & Control overview page and on the widgets page (available by clicking on a device):

        • Active energy is displayed in KWh, with no decimals.

        • Apparent energy is displayed in KVah, with no decimals.

        • Reactive energy is displayed in KVarh, with no decimals.

    • Improvement in screen display: when clicking away from a pre-selected device view, the view is maintained on returning to that screen.

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