
Firmware Version 001.003.002

New Features

  • Active predefined alarms from any device connected to the Panel Server are displayed in the Panel Server webpages.

  • 3-year data logger with predefined data sampling that can be configured.

  • CSV file export of the logged data can be downloaded on your PC.

  • Email notification of alarms selected by the user.

Known Issues

  • EcoStruxure Power Commission software version 2.24.1 does not use virtual server ID to access Modbus Serial devices.

    When a virtual server ID different from the physical Modbus address / server ID is allocated to a Modbus Serial device, EcoStruxure Power Commission software version 2.24.1 uses the physical Modbus address / server ID to access the Modbus Serial device.

    To avoid any issue during commissioning of Modbus Serial devices in EcoStruxure Power Commission software, ensure that the physical Modbus address / server ID and the virtual server ID of each downstream Modbus device under the Panel Server gateway are unique and have not been previously assigned as a physical Modbus address or virtual server ID to any wireless, Modbus Serial, or Modbus TCP/IP device.

    To solve this issue, proceed as follows:

    • Option 1 - Change the physical Modbus address of the device on the Modbus Serial network as follows:

      1. Set the physical Modbus address of the device to a value not assigned as virtual server ID to any other wireless, Modbus Serial, or Modbus TCP/IP device.

      2. Login to the Panel Server webpages and update accordingly the physical Modbus address / server ID of the device in the Panel Server.

    • Option 2 - Change the virtual server ID of the device in the Panel Server as follows:

      Login to the Panel Server webpages and change the virtual server ID of the device to a value different from the physical Modbus address / server ID of any other device on the Modbus Serial network.

  • Webpages freeze when several Modbus Serial devices are missing.

    When several Modbus Serial devices are being disconnected (4 devices or more) at the same time, the Panel Server webpages can become frozen while the Panel Server is still attempting to communicate with the missing devices.

    Webpages operation recovers:

    • When, after several retries, the Panel Server detects that the devices are disconnected.

    • After reconnecting the missing devices.

  • Limitations on logging and alarming.

    The number of data points that can be logged and the number of alarms that can configured to trigger an email is limited according to the following rule:

    Number of data points + (20 x Number of alarms) ≤ 1000

    For Modbus Serial and Modbus TCP/IP, whatever the number of alarms configured for a single device, it counts for 2 alarms in the above formula.

    Example: A Panel Server system with:

    • 5 PowerTag with 20 data points and 2 alarms

    • 3 ComPacT NSX with 20 data points and 5 alarms

      The total number of data points is equal to 5 x 20 + 3 x 20 + 20 x (5 x 2 + 3 x 2) = 480.

    Respect the above limitation to help avoid leading to degraded operation such as missing measurement acquisition and missing or delayed alarm notification.

  • Logging configuration loss in specific cases.

    Devices are provided with a default configuration of data points to be logged with a default sampling period. This configuration is applied when the device is first added to the Panel Server.

    If the default configuration is changed such that the device is configured not to log any data, the default configuration is applied again to the device after a power loss or restart. There is no palliative action.


The following table presents the availability of features on Panel Server Advanced in firmware version 001.003.002.


Not available




Separated network topology

Switched network topology

Connection to Edge Control (EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert, EcoStruxure Power Operation,EcoStruxure Building Operation, any Building Management System, or third-party monitoring or supervision system)

Embedded webpages for diagnostic

Embedded webpages for monitoring all the supported devices (see commercial references in Supported Devices)

Embedded webpages for display of active predefined alarms from any device connected to the Panel Server

Access to 3-year data logger with predefined data sampling that can be configured with embedded webpages

Access to 3-year data logger with predefined data sampling with EcoStruxure Power Commission software

Export of CSV file of the logged data to a PC with embedded webpages

Export of CSV file of the logged data with EcoStruxure Power Commission software

Email notification of selected alarms with embedded webpages

Email notification of selected alarms with EcoStruxure Power Commission software


2.4 GHz

5 GHz

External Wi-Fi antenna (reference: PASA-ANT1)

IEEE 802.15.4 communication

Maximum number of wireless devices:

  • Up to 30 wireless devices as combination of PowerTag Energy sensors, PowerLogic Tag energy sensors, Acti9 Active, wireless indication auxiliaries for ComPacT and PowerPacT circuit breakers, wireless CO2 sensors, wireless temperature and humidity sensors, PowerTag A, PowerTag Ambient, environmental sensors Easergy TH110/CL110, and PowerLogic HeatTag sensors, with a maximum of:

    • 20 PowerTag or PowerLogic Tag energy sensors, or Acti9 Active

    • 3 PowerLogic HeatTag

    • 6 wireless indication auxiliaries for ComPacT and PowerPacT circuit breakers

  • or up to 65 environmental sensors Easergy TH110/CL110

External antenna for wireless devices (reference: PASA-ANT1)

Digital inputs (PAS800L)

Commissioning with EcoStruxure Power Commission software

Commissioning with Panel Server webpages

Monitoring with EcoStruxure Power Commission software and Panel Server webpages

Human Machine Interface (HMI)

FDM128 Ethernet display

PowerTag Link display

Firmware update

Applied to one Panel Server gateway with EcoStruxure Power Commission software

Applied to one Panel Server gateway with Panel Server webpages

Applied to several Panel Server gateways with EcoStruxure Power Commission software

Applied to several Panel Server gateways with Panel Server webpages


EcoStruxure Power Commission software

Embedded webpages for Ethernet settings for upstream communication

Embedded webpages for Modbus settings of Modbus TCP/IP and Modbus Serial devices

User management by single user account

User management by multiple users with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)


Modbus TCP/IP server

Modbus TCP/IP client

DHCP client

DHCP server



Performance and Limitations

  • Performance and limitations on Panel Server Advanced:

    • Function to backup and restore Panel Server configuration not available.

    • Alarms not set and not displayed in Panel Server webpages.

    • No capability to collect data from a wireless end device connected to a child/downstream gateway of the Panel Server such as another Panel Server, a PowerTag Link, or a Smartlink SIB gateway).

    • The typical response time to Modbus TCP/IP request for a wireless IEEE 802.15.4 device is 30 ms.

    • The maximum response time to Modbus TCP/IP request for a wireless IEEE 802.15.4 device is 1 s, set up Modbus/TCP client time-out accordingly.

    • Typical Panel Server latency between Modbus TCP/IP request forwarded to the Modbus RS485 network is 10 ms.

    • Wi-Fi function available through a connection to a Wi-Fi infrastructure only. Access point function not available.

  • Limitations on Smartlink Modbus:

    • Commissioning through EcoStruxure Power Commission software, not through Panel Server webpages.

    • Status of Smartlink Modbus inputs/outputs or counter available from the Modbus registers, not displayed on Panel Server webpages.

    • Alarms not displayed in EcoStruxure Panel Server webpages.

    • No control of Smartlink Modbus through Panel Server webpages.

  • Limitations on wireless devices: PowerTag Control are not supported by Panel Server Advanced.

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