

Problem Check
Webmanager power supply LED(s) not illuminated
  • Check the status and connection of the power supply.
  • Check that a correct power supply is used, for more details see Webmanager Ports.
No local connection to the webmanager
  • Check the slide switch position. If the slide switch is in the left position the default set IP address will be used. If the IP address was changed, you can set the IP address to the hard coded address ( if you set the slide switch in the center position and restart the webmanager. For more details see Webmanager LEDs and Buttons and Initial Local Connection to the Webmanager.
No or weak BACS bus communication
  • Check the connections between the webmanager and modules, and any splitting boxes, repeaters, converters, sensors or other devices.
  • Check that the maximum bus cable lengths are not exceeded, for details see Bus Cable Length and Wiring Details.
  • Check that the modules and cables are compatible (correct type and revision). For additional support please contact your local Schneider Electric Customer Care team.
No or incorrect measurement from modules
  • Check that the measurement cables are correctly placed on the battery poles and tightened according to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for the batteries. For more details see Install Battery Measuring Cables.
  • Check the module placement and if applicable the placement of the external temperature sensor. For more details see Place the EcoStruxure Battery Management System Modules.
  • Check if the fuse on the measuring cable might be damaged, try to connect the module to another measuring cable to check if the modules is functioning correctly.
No Modbus or SNMP communication from the webmanager
  • Check the IP address settings from the webmanager web interface.
  • Check that the Modbus or SNMP settings are correctly configured in the webmanager web interface.
Incorrect values displayed in the webmanager web interface.
  • Delete the web browser cache. Previously stored data in the cache can cause incorrect information to be displayed. This can especially occur if connections are made to multiple webmanagers from the same web browser.
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