
Connect the Signal Cables for GVBBB630EL-1CB to the Galaxy VXL UPS

NOTE: The recommended signal cable size is 0.5 mm2.
  1. Lockout/Tagout the battery breaker.
  2. Loosen the screws of the protection covers and lift the protection covers up and out of the battery breaker box.
  3. Remove the cover on the battery breaker.
  4. Route the signal cables through the bottom of the battery breaker box.
  5. Connect the signal cables:
    1. Connect the signal cables to the AUX switch (1,4).
    2. Connect the signal cables to the undervoltage trip coil (D1, D2).
    3. Fasten the signal cables with cable ties (provided) to the cable relief.

    AUX Switch and Undervoltage Trip Coil Connections for Configuration with 1-4 Battery Breaker Boxes

    AUX Switch Connections for Configuration with 5-8 Battery Breaker Boxes

    Undervoltage Trip Coil Connections for Configuration with 5-8 Battery Breaker Boxes

  6. Reinstall the cover on the battery breaker.
  7. Route the signal cables separately from the power cables.
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