
Voltage Trip Releases


The following voltage trip release auxiliaries are operated remotely by an electrical trip command:

  • MN/UVR undervoltage trip release

  • MX/SHT shunt trip

NOTE: It is recommended to test the operation of a voltage trip release at regular intervals, such as every six months.

Voltage trip release auxiliaries are installed in the case under the front face of the device.


MN/UVR undervoltage trip release:

  • Trips the device when the voltage is less than 0.35 times the rated voltage of the release.

    • If the voltage is between 0.35 and 0.7 times the rated voltage of the release, tripping can occur but is not certain to occur.

    • If the voltage is above 0.7 times the rated voltage of the release, tripping cannot occur.

  • Allows the device to be closed again when the voltage reaches 0.85 times the rated voltage of the release.

Use this type of trip release for failsafe emergency stops.

MX/SHT shunt trip:

  • Trips the device when the voltage exceeds 0.7 times the rated voltage of the release.

  • Operates by impulse type control signals maintained for ≥ 20 ms.


The characteristics of voltage trip release auxiliaries comply with IEC/EN 60947-2 recommendations.

Wiring Diagram

The diagram is shown with circuits de-energized, all devices open, connected, and charged, and relays in normal position.

MN/UVR Undervoltage trip release

MX/SHT Shunt trip

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