DUG_Underfloor Heating Connection Strip_WH-05

Enabling cooling input

Using the Wiser Home app, you can enable cooling input for Underfloor Heating to use cooling features in the app, such as the ability to set a cooling schedule.
  1. On the Home page, tap .
  2. Tap Devices > Underfloor Heating
  3. Turn on the Cooling Input toggle switch.
    IMPORTANT: If UFH channel is assigned to any of the following heating device, make sure in Room Setting > Excluded From Cooling toggle switch is On. This can be useful if there are areas in a building that do not require cooling, such as storage rooms or unoccupied spaces.
    • Connected Thermostat 2 A (for Preset P1 and P2)

    • Connected Thermostat 16 A (for all Preset)

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