
Injection inhibition input (Inhibit. Input)

The device injects several patented combinations of low frequency voltage into the system. In a system with several incoming feeders, depending on the circuit breaker position, there must be no more than one device injecting into the system. The inhibition of injection is managed by the state of inhibition input of the device, which can, for example, be connected to the auxiliary contacts of the circuit breakers.

You can configure the injection inhibition input to use an NO or an NC contact as follows:

Value or Contact type Injection activated when the contact is... Injection deactivated when the contact is...
NO (Default) Open Closed
NC Closed Open
OFF Ignored Ignored

You can set this parameter value to OFF. In this mode, the electrical input state is ignored and the exclusion management can still be done over Modbus communication. See Modbus functions for Modbus functions. This is especially useful in functional safety standards compliant environments. See Safety standards compliance requirements for more information on functional safety standards compliance.

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