
High Resistance Grounding (HRG)

You can use the device to monitor power systems with a grounding resistance inserted between the neutral and the earth.

The device compensates the measured insulation resistance with the value of the neutral grounding resistance. The device offset the value of the neutral grounding resistance to report the actual insulation resistance. Further, the actual insulation resistance ( derived after compensating the neutral grounding resistance) is compared against the insulation alarm threshold and the preventive alarm threshold to trigger the insulation and preventive insulation alarm relays.

This compensation is applicable only if the neutral is connected to ground through a resistance. This feature is not compatible with RLC (non -linear) grounding circuits.

Two setting are available for this parameter:

Value Description
OFF (Default) The device does not compensate the reported insulation resistance with the value of the neutral grounding resistance.
0.1...500 kΩ The device compensates the measured insulation resistance with the value of the neutral grounding resistance.

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