
Email Events


The Email Events page allows the selection of the events to notify through email among a list of events.

Do not rely solely on the notification of the emails for maintaining your equipment.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.

The list of event displayed contains only applicable events related to the devices connected to the ULP port of the IFE server.

NOTE: If an email SMTP server is not located on the same Ethernet network segment as IFE server, ensure that the IFE default gateway is properly configured.




List of events for configuration

Add Event

A check box to enable to add events.

Email Recipients

Allows you to choose from a list of email recipients.

NOTE: You can choose a maximum of 12 recipients.

Custom Text

Allows you to enter a custom text.

NOTE: You can enter a maximum of 63 characters in the custom text area.

Events from ComPacT NSX or PowerPacT H-, J-, and L- Frame Circuit Breakers

Device Connected


ComPacT NSX or PowerPacT H-, J-, and L-frame circuit breaker with BSCM module

Circuit breaker indicator status (OF)

Fault trip indicator status (SDE)

Trip indicator status (SD)

ComPacT NSX or PowerPacT H-, J-, and L- frame circuit breaker with MicroLogic 5, 6, or 7 trip unit

Long time protection Ir pre-alarm (PAL Ir)

Long time protection Ir

Short time protection Isd

Instantaneous protection Ii

Ground fault protection Ig

Earth leakage (Vigi) protection IΔn

Integrated Instantaneous protection

STOP (trip unit internal failure)

Instantaneous with earth leakage protection

Reflex tripping protection

Unbalance motor protection

Jam motor protection

Underload motor protection

Long start motor protection

User-defined alarm 1

User-defined alarm 2

User-defined alarm 3

User-defined alarm 4

User-defined alarm 5

User-defined alarm 6

User-defined alarm 7

User-defined alarm 8

User-defined alarm 9

User-defined alarm 10

Events from MasterPacT NT/NW , ComPacT NS, or PowerPacT P- and R-Frame Circuit Breakers

Device Connected


MasterPacT NT/NW , ComPacT NS, or PowerPacT P- and R-frame circuit breaker with BCM ULP module

Long time protection Ir pre-alarm (PAL Ir)

Long time protection Ir

Short time protection Isd

Instantaneous protection Ii

Ground fault protection Ig

Earth leakage (Vigi) protection IΔn

Integrated Instantaneous protection

STOP (trip unit internal failure)

Reflex tripping protection

Instantaneous with earth leakage protection

Unbalance motor protection

Jam motor protection

Underload motor protection

Long start motor protection

Iunbal protection

I1 Max protection

I2 Max protection

I3 Max protection

IN Max protection

Vmin protection

Vmax protection

Vunbal protection

Reverse power protection

Fmin protection

Fmax protection

Phase rotation

Ready to close status (PF)

Wear on contacts

Arc reduction state engaged

Events from MasterPacT MTZ Circuit Breaker

Device connected


MasterPacT MTZ circuit breaker with MicroLogic X control units

Ir trip

Isd trip

Ii trip

Ig trip

IΔn trip

Ultimate self-protection trip (SELLIM)

Self diagnostic trip

Ultimate self-protection trip (DIN/DINF)

IΔn/Ig test trip

Undervoltage on 1 phase trip

Overvoltage on 1 phase trip

Reverse power trip

Undervoltage on all 3 phases trip

Overvoltage on all 3 phases trip

Optional protection trip

Ultimate self-protection (DIN/DINF) operate

Ultimate self-protection (SELLIM) operate

Thermal memory reset order

Ir prealarm (I > 90% Ir)

Ir start (I > 105% Ir)

Ir operate

Isd start

Isd operate

Ii operate

Ig alarm

Ig start

Ig operate

IΔn alarm

IΔn start

IΔn operate

Undervoltage on 1 phase start

Undervoltage on 1 phase operate

Undervoltage on all 3 phases start

Undervoltage on all 3 phases operate

Overvoltage on 1 phase start

Overvoltage on 1 phase operate

MasterPacT MTZ circuit breaker with MicroLogic X control units

Overvoltage on all 3 phases start

Overvoltage on all 3 phases operate

Reverse Power start

Reverse Power operate

ERMS engaged

ERMS engaged for more than 24 hours

ESM (ERMS switch module) self diagnostic alarm

Communication lost with ESM (ERMS switch module)

Request to unlock ERMS by Smartphone

B curve active

Optional protections inhibited by IO

Circuit breaker opened

Circuit breaker closed

Closing order sent to XF

Opening order sent to MX

Circuit Breaker did not open or close

Manual mode enabled

Local mode enabled

Allow control by Digital input is disabled (by EcoStruxure Power Commission )

Closing inhibited by communication

Closing inhibited through IO module

Alarm reset

M2C output 1 is forced

M2C output 2 is forced

Protection settings change by display enabled

Remote protection settings change enabled

Protection settings changed by display

Protection settings changed by Bluetooth/USB/IFE

Communication lost with IO#1 module

Communication lost with IO#2 module

Config error IO/CU: dual settings or inhibit cls.

Config error IO/CU: optional protection Inhibit

Config. error IO and CU - Local/Remote mode

Date and time set

Digital module license installed

Digital module license uninstalled

Digital module license expired

Digital module license rejected

Digital module License expires in 30 days

Digital module License expires in 20 days

Digital module License expires in 10 days

Connection on USB port

Injection test in progress

MasterPacT MTZ circuit breaker with MicroLogic X control units

Ig function inhibited for test propose

Test aborted by user

Ig protection in OFF mode

Control unit self test major malfunction 1

Control unit self test major malfunction 2

Control unit self test major malfunction 3

Control unit self test major malfunction 4

Control unit self test major malfunction 5

Internal current sensor disconnected

External neutral current sensor disconnected

Internal Current Power Supply (CPS) sensors malfunction

Partial internal Current Power Supply (CPS) sensors malfunction

Partial Internal Current Power Supply (CPS) sensors major malfunction

Earth leakage (Vigi) sensor disconnected

Protection settings reset to factory values

Protection settings no accessible # 1

Protection settings no accessible # 2

Protection settings no accessible # 3

Protection settings no accessible # 4

Protection settings no accessible # 5

Control unit self test # 1

Control unit self test # 2

Control unit self test # 3

Control unit self test # 4

Control unit self test # 5

Invalid measurement and optional protection # 1

Invalid measurement and optional protection # 2

Invalid measurement and optional protection # 3

Invalid optional protection self test

NFC invalid communication #1

NFC invalid communication #2

NFC invalid communication #3

Invalid display screen or wireless communication # 1

Invalid display screen or wireless communication # 2

Invalid display screen or wireless communication # 3

Loss of IEEE 802.15.4 communication

Loss of Bluetooth communication

Replace Battery

No battery detected

Control Unit alarm reset

Self diagnostic test - firmware

Unable to read sensor plug

Invalid Control Unit factory config #1

MasterPacT MTZ circuit breaker with MicroLogic control units

Invalid Control Unit factory config #2

Critical hardware modules discrepancy

Critical firmware modules discrepancy

Non-critical hardware modules discrepancy

Non-critical firmware modules discrepancy

Firmware discrepancy within control unit

IΔn/Ig test - no trip

IΔn/Ig test button pressed

ZSI test in progress

Contact wear is above 60% Check contacts

Contact wear is above 95% Plan for replacement

Contacts 100% worn out CB needs to be replaced

Less than 20% CB operation remaining

CB has reached the max number of operations

Invalid self test - MX1 shunt trip

MX1 shunt trip not detected

MCH charging operations above threshold

MCH has reached the max number of operations

Invalid self test - XF shunt close

XF shunt close not detected

Invalid self test - MN undervoltage release

MN undervoltage release not detected

Voltage loss on MN undervoltage release

Communication loss on MN undervoltage release

Invalid self test - MX2 shunt trip

MX2 shunt trip not detected

Presence of external 24V power supply

Loss of voltage and CB is closed

Events in history log have been erased

Reset Min/Max currents

Reset Min/Max voltages

Reset Min/Max power

Reset Min/Max frequency

Reset Min/Max harmonics

Reset Min/Max power factor

Reset current demand

Reset power demand

Reset energy counters

Bluetooth communication enabled

ZigBee communication enabled

Connection on Bluetooth port

Underfrequency trip

Overfrequency trip

MasterPacT MTZ circuit breaker with MicroLogic control units

Underfrequency start

Overfrequency start

Underfrequency operate

Overfrequency operate

Diagnostic data (link)

Last event sequence number

voltage release operation counter is above alarm threshold

voltage release has reached the max number of operations

MX2 voltage release operation counter above alarm threshold

MX2 voltage release reached the max number of operations

MX1 voltage release operation counter above alarm threshold

MX1 voltage release reached the max number of operations

MN undervoltage release operation counter is above alarm threshold

MN undervoltage voltage release reached the max number of operations

Schedule basic maintenance within one month

Schedule standard maintenance within one month

Schedule manufacturer maintenance within three months

After 6 months of commissioning protection settings still set to factory default

Remaining service life of MicroLogic below alarm threshold

MicroLogic control unit reached the max service life

Last modification of protection settings not completely applied

Frequency based protection

IDMTL long time trip

IDMTL long time start

IDMTL long time operate

Forward directional overcurrent trip

Reverse directional overcurrent trip

Forward directional overcurrent start

Reverse directional overcurrent start

Forward directional overcurrent operate

Reverse directional overcurrent operate

Forward directional overcurrent received

Reverse directional overcurrent received

Forward directional overcurrent sent

Reverse directional overcurrent sent

Events from IO Modules

Device connected


IO module 1

Threshold overrun on Input 1 counter (#1)

Threshold overrun on Input 2 counter (#1)

Threshold overrun on Input 3 counter (#1)

Threshold overrun on Input 4 counter (#1)

Threshold overrun on Input 5 counter (#1)

Threshold overrun on Input 6 counter (#1)

Switchboard Temperature threshold 1(#1)

Switchboard Temperature threshold 2 (#1)

Switchboard Temperature threshold 3 (#1)

IO module Failure (STOP mode) (#1)

IO module Failure (ERROR mode) (#1)

IO module 2

Threshold overrun on Input 1 counter (#2)

Threshold overrun on Input 2 counter (#2)

Threshold overrun on Input 3 counter (#2)

Threshold overrun on Input 4 counter (#2)

Threshold overrun on Input 5 counter (#2)

Threshold overrun on Input 6 counter (#2)

Switchboard Temperature threshold 1(#2)

Switchboard Temperature threshold 2 (#2)

Switchboard Temperature threshold 3 (#2)

IO module Failure (STOP mode) (#2)

IO module Failure (ERROR mode) (#2)

IO module 1 or IO module 2

Disconnection of the circuit breaker from cradle is overdue

Cradle has reached its maximum number of operations

Remaining service life of cradle is below alarm threshold

New MicroLogic unit has been detected

Discrepancy with ERMS orders

Earth leakage trip signal contact (SDV) alarm

Control voltage presence contact alarm

Surge protection status contact alarm

Surge failure contact alarm

Switch disconnector ON/OFF indication alarm contact (OF)

Fuse blown indication contact alarm

Emergency Stop alarm

Switchboard temperature contact alarm

Switchboard ventilation contact alarm

Switchboard door contact alarm

Cradle connected position status (CE)

Cradle disconnected position status (CD)

Cradle test position status (CT)

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