Application and Ordering Information

Class 9003

Instructions for 9003K2 Key Sheet

The Key Sheet for ordering a 9003K2 cam switch is on 9003 K2 Cam Switch Order Form, and an example of a completed key sheet is on 9003 K2 Cam Switch Order Form — Example. The instructions below are for filling out the key sheet on 9003 K2 Cam Switch Order Form.

  1. Select the box for K2 (20 A).

  2. Identify the Product quantity in the box provided.

  3. Verify front mounting by selecting the box: Front Mounting.

  4. If ordering a base/contact block only, select 22 mm plastic or 22 mm metal mounting. Then complete the following:

    1. ③ Switching Angle (positions)

    2. ④ Contact scheme and jumpers (pre-wired)

  5. If ordering a complete switch (base/contact block, head, legend), check the box. Then complete the following:

    1. ① Operating head preference

    2. ② Legend preference

    3. ③ Switching angle (positions)

    4. ④ Contact scheme and jumpers (pre-wired)

  6. Operating head preference ① (identify the operating head preferred)

  7. Legend preference ② (identify the legend preference)

  8. Switching angle (positions) ③ and special legend marking

    1. Identify whether the switch need is 30° or 60°, or 45° or 90° switching angle.

    2. Fill in the legend markings desired at the positions indicated. Zero degrees is always straight up.

  9. The rotation of the operator stops clockwise at the top or 0° position. If full rotation through 360° is desired, the Full rotation through 360° box must be checked.

  10. Contact scheme and jumpers (pre-wired) ④

    1. If jumpers are desired to be pre-wired, draw a horizontal line between the terminals to be jumpered per the example on 9003 K2 Cam Switch Order Form — Example.

    2. Refer to the Legend at the bottom of 9003 K2 Cam Switch Order Form for contact sequences, i.e.: X indicates contact closure. See 9003 K2 Cam Switch Order Form — Example for examples of filling in this portion of the key sheet.

9003K2 Cam Switch Order Form

9003K2 Cam Switch Order Form—Example

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