
Power factor (PF) alarms

You can set up a Leading PF or Lagging PF alarm to monitor when the circuit’s power factor goes above or below the threshold you specify.

The Leading PF and Lagging PF alarms use the power factor quadrants as the values on the y-axis, with quadrant II on the lowest end of the scale, followed by quadrant III, quadrant I, and finally quadrant IV on the highest end of the scale.

Quadrant PF values Lead/Lag
II 0 to -1 Leading (capacitive)
III -1 to 0 Lagging (inductive)
I 0 to 1 Lagging (inductive)
IV 1 to 0 Leading (capacitive)

Leading PF alarm

The Leading PF alarm monitors an over setpoint condition.

A Pickup setpoint ΔT2 Dropout time delay (in seconds)
B Dropout setpoint EV2 End of alarm condition
ΔT1 Pickup delay period (in seconds) ΔT3 Alarm duration (in seconds)
EV1 Start of alarm condition    

Lagging PF alarm

The Lagging PF alarm monitors an under setpoint condition.

A Pickup setpoint ΔT2 Dropout time delay (in seconds)
B Dropout setpoint EV2 End of alarm condition
ΔT1 Pickup delay period (in seconds) ΔT3 Alarm duration (in seconds)
EV1 Start of alarm condition    

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