
Verifying accuracy test

The following tests are guidelines for accuracy testing your meter; your meter shop may have specific testing methods.
  • Apply appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and follow safe electrical work practices. See NFPA 70E, CSA Z462 or other local standards.
  • Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is installed before working on or in the equipment.
  • Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm that all power is off.
  • Do not exceed the maximum ratings of this device.
  • Verify the device’s power source meets the specifications for your device’s power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
  1. Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is installed before working on the device or equipment.
  2. Use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm that all power is off.
  3. Connect the test voltage and current source to the reference device or energy standard. Ensure all voltage inputs to the meter under test are connected in parallel and all current inputs are connected in series.
    A Reference device or energy standard
    B Test voltage and current source
    C Meter under test
  4. Connect the control equipment used for counting the standard output pulses using one of these methods:
    Option Description
    Energy pulsing LED Align the red light sensor on the standard test bench armature over the energy pulsing LED.
    Digital output Connect the meter’s digital output to the standard test bench pulse counting connections.
    NOTE: When selecting which method to use, be aware that energy pulsing LEDs and digital output(s) have different pulse rate limits.
  5. Before performing the verification test, let the test equipment power up the meter and apply voltage for at least 30 seconds. This helps stabilize the internal circuitry of the meter.
  6. Configure the meter’s parameters for verifying accuracy testing.
  7. Depending on the method selected for counting the energy pulses, configure the meter’s energy pulsing LED or one of the digital output(s) to perform energy pulsing. Set the meter’s energy pulse constant so it is in sync with the reference test equipment.
  8. Perform accuracy verification on the test points. Run each test point for at least 30 seconds to allow the test bench equipment to read an adequate number of pulses. Allow 10 seconds of dwell time between test points.
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