Thermal Unit Selection
Thermal Unit Selection Tables
All tables are based on the operation of the motor and controller in the same ambient temperature, 40 °C (104 °F) or less. Always be certain the correct thermal units are installed in the starter before operating the motor. Each thermal unit shall be installed such that its catalog number is visible. See Approximate Thermal Unit Selection Based On Horsepower and Voltage for information on installing thermal units. On melting alloy thermal units the ratchet wheel must engage the pawl assembly.
Selection Procedure
1. |
Determine motor data: |
a. |
Full load current rating |
b. |
Service factor |
noteIf motor full load current (FLC) is not known, a tentative thermal unit selection could be made, based on horsepower and voltage. Refer to Approximate Thermal Unit Selection Based On Horsepower and Voltage. |
2. |
Motor and controller in same ambient temperature: |
a. |
All starter classes, except Class 8198: |
1. |
For 1.15 to 1.25 service factor motors use 100% of motor FLC for thermal unit selection. |
2. |
For 1.0 service factor motors use 90% of motor FLC for thermal unit selection. |
b. |
Class 8198 only: |
1. |
For 1.0 service factor motors use 100% of motor FLC for thermal unit selection. |
2. |
For 1.15 to 1.25 service factor motors use 110% of motor FLC for thermal unit selection. |
3. |
Motor and controller in different ambient temperatures: |
a. |
Multiply motor FLC by the multiplier in Selection of Thermal Units for Special Applications. Use the resultant full load current for thermal unit selection. |
4. |
Locate the proper selection table from the index, pages Thermal Unit Selection and Thermal Unit Selection. |
a. |
The proper thermal unit number will be found adjacent, to the right of the range of full load currents in which the motor FLC or resultant full load current falls. |
5. |
See Calculation of the Trip Current Rating for calculation of trip current rating. |
Slow Trip Thermal Unit Selection
Thermal Unit Trip Types
Melting Alloy |
Type of |
Thermal |
A |
B |
C |
CC |
DD |
Quick |
FB |
Slow |
SB |
To select Type SB slow trip thermal units, the selection table for a standard Type B thermal unit may be used with the following modifications: For continuous rated motors having service factors of 1.15 to 1.25, select thermal units from the standard Type B table using 93% (102% for Class 8198) of the full load current shown on the motor nameplate and then substitute an SB for the B in the thermal unit type number.
Example: A motor with a full load current of 12 A controlled by an 8536SCG3 would require B22 thermal units for standard trip applications and SB19.5 thermal units for slow trip applications. The SB is selected by multiplying 12 A times 93% for 11.16 A and using this value to select B19.5. Then add the S prefix to arrive at SB19.5.
For continuous rated motors having a service factor of 1.0, select thermal units in the same manner using 84% (93% for Class 8198) of full load current shown on the motor nameplate.
Selection of Thermal Units for Special Applications
Class of Controller |
Continuous Duty Motor Service Factor |
Melting Alloy |
Ambient Temperature of Motor |
Same as Controller Ambient |
Constant 10 °C
(18 °F) |
Constant 10 °C
(18 °F) |
Full Load Current Multiplier |
All Classes, Except 8198 |
1.15 to 1.25 |
1.0 |
0.9 |
1.05 |
1.0 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
0.95 |
Class 8198 |
1.15 to 1.25 |
1.1 |
1.0 |
1.15 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
0.9 |
1.05 |
Thermal Unit Selection
For thermal unit selection tables for other devices including obsolete devices, consult the Customer Care Center at 1-888-778-2733.
Thermal Unit Selection
Controller |
Thermal Unit Selection Table Number |
Hand Reset Melting Alloy |
Starter Type |
Class |
Type |
Series[1] |
Size |
Standard Trip |
Quick Trip |
Slow Trip |
Manual |
2510 |
F |
A |
43 [2] |
— |
— |
Manual Starters |
2510 |
M, T |
A |
M–0 |
1 |
72 |
Manual |
2510 |
M, T |
A |
M–0 |
2 |
73 |
DC EC & M Crane Control Product |
7135 |
C, D |
— |
1, 2 |
65 |
— |
E |
— |
3 |
9 |
— |
— |
F |
— |
4 |
10 |
— |
— |
G |
— |
5 |
12 |
— |
— |
8536 8933 8998 I-LINE® and QMB |
A |
B, C |
00 |
17 [2] |
— |
— |
SA |
A, B |
00 |
13 |
— |
SB |
A |
0 |
13 |
74 |
SC |
A |
1 |
13 |
74 |
A |
1P |
41 |
— |
SD |
A |
2 |
56 |
75 |
SE |
A |
3 |
18 |
76 [5] |
SF |
A |
4 |
54 |
— |
— |
SG |
A |
5 |
49 |
— |
— |
B [6] |
5 |
59 |
83 |
— |
SH |
A, B |
6 |
21 |
— |
— |
8998 |
SC |
A |
1 Fusible |
66 |
74 |
— |
1 Circuit Breaker |
15 |
74 |
— |
SD |
A |
2 Fusible |
67 |
75 |
— |
2 Circuit Breaker |
58 [7] |
75 |
— |
SE |
A |
3 Small Enclosure |
16 |
76 [5] |
3 Large Enclosure |
68 [7] |
76 [5] |
SF |
A |
4 |
61 |
— |
— |
SG |
A |
5 |
24 |
— |
— |
SH |
A |
6 |
20 |
— |
— |
8998 |
SC [8] |
A |
1 |
109 |
— |
— |
1 COMPAC 6 |
104 |
— |
— |
SD [8] |
A |
2 |
110 |
— |
— |
SE [8] |
A |
3 |
111 |
— |
— |
SF [8] |
A |
4 |
112 |
— |
— |
SG [8] |
A |
5 |
113 |
— |
— |
B |
5 CT |
103 |
— |
— |
SH [8] |
A |
6 |
114 |
— |
— |
8911 |
C |
20–30 A |
135 |
— |
— |
40 A |
145 |
— |
— |
A |
50 A |
146 |
— |
— |
(table continued on the next page)
For thermal unit selection tables for other devices, including obsolete devices, consult the Customer Care Center at 1-888-778-2733.
Thermal Unit Selection
Thermal Unit Selection
Controller |
Thermal Unit Selection Table Number |
Hand Reset Melting Alloy |
Starter Type |
Class |
Type |
Series[1] |
Size |
Standard Trip |
Quick Trip |
Slow Trip |
AC |
8198 |
G, S |
— |
— |
5 |
— |
8536 (Starter Used in |
A (8536 only) |
B, C |
00 |
14 [2] |
— |
— |
8538 |
8904[9] |
SA |
A, B |
00 |
53 |
— |
8539 |
8906 |
SB, NB |
A |
0 |
15 |
78 |
8606 |
8907 |
SC, NC |
A |
1 |
15 |
78 |
8630 [10] |
8920 |
SD, ND |
A |
2 |
58 |
79 |
8640 [11] |
8922 |
SE, NE |
A |
3 |
16 |
80 [5] |
9089 |
8924 |
SF, NF |
A |
4 |
61 |
— |
— |
8647 |
8925 |
SG |
A |
5 |
24 |
— |
— |
8650 |
8930 |
B [6] |
5 |
59 |
83 |
— |
8736 8738 8739 |
8941 |
SH |
A, B |
6 |
20 |
— |
8810 |
CB, DB, SB, UB |
A |
0 |
15 |
78 |
CC, DC, SC, UC |
A |
1 |
15 |
78 |
CD, DD, SD, UD |
A |
2 |
58 |
79 |
CE, DE, SE, UE |
A |
3 |
16 |
80 [5] |
CF, DF, SF, UF |
A |
4 |
61 |
— |
— |
CG, DG, SG, UG |
A |
5 |
24 |
— |
— |
B [6] |
5 |
59 |
83 |
— |
CH, DH, SH, UH |
A |
6 |
20 |
— |
8940 WELL-GUARD™ |
WC, XC |
A |
1 |
13 |
78 |
— |
WD, XD, MD, RD, VD |
A |
2 |
56 |
79 |
— |
WE, XE, ME, RE, VE |
A |
3 |
18 |
80 [5] |
— |
PF, WF, XF, MF, RF, VF, PE |
A |
4 |
54 |
— |
— |
8911 |
C |
20–30 A |
136 |
— |
— |
40 A |
147 |
— |
— |
A |
50 A |
148 |
— |
— |
AC |
8998 |
SC [8] |
A |
1 |
127 |
— |
— |
SD [8] |
A |
2 |
128 |
— |
— |
SE [8] |
A |
3 |
129 |
— |
— |
SF |
A |
4 |
105 |
— |
— |
SG |
A |
5 |
115 |
— |
— |
B [6] |
5 CT |
116 |
— |
— |
Separately Mounted Overload Relays |
9065 |
C |
A |
1 (25 A) |
44 |
82 |
F |
B |
4 (133 A) |
19 |
— |
— |
G |
A |
5 (266 A) |
22 |
— |
— |
A |
(32 A) |
86 |
— |
— |
S |
A |
1 (26 A) |
59 |
83 |
2 (45 A) |
69 |
84 |
3 (86 A) |
34 |
— |
— |
4 (133 A) |
28 |
— |
— |
T |
A |
2 (45 A) |
31 |
— |
U |
— |
3 (86 A) |
40 |
— |
— |
For thermal unit selection tables for other devices including obsolete devices, consult the Customer Care Center at 1-888-778-2733.
Calculation of the Trip Current Rating
Trip Current Rating—The trip current rating is a nominal value that approximates the minimum current to trip an overload relay in an ambient temperature, outside of the enclosure, of 40 °C (104 °F). In all selection tables except Class 8198, the trip current rating is 1.25 times the minimum full load current shown for the thermal unit selected. For Class 8198, the trip current rating is 1.15 times the minimum full load current. This applies to bimetallic overload relays with the trip adjustment set at 100 percent.
Calculation Procedure
Use the selection table for the specific controller involved.
Find the minimum motor full load current listed for the thermal unit in question.
Multiply that current by 1.25 (1.15 for Class 8198). The result is the trip current rating.
Example 1: Determine the thermal unit selection and trip current rating for thermal units in a Class 8536 Type SCG3 Size 1 magnetic starter used to control a three-phase, 1.15 service factor motor with a full load current of 17.0 Amperes, where the motor and controller are both located in a 40oC (104oF) ambient temperature.
From Table 13 the proper selection is B32.
The minimum motor full load current is 16. 0 Amperes.
Trip current rating is 16.0 x 1.25= 20.0 Amperes.
Protection Level is the relationship between trip current rating and full load current. Protection level, in percent, is the trip current rating divided by the motor full load current times 100. In Example 1 the protection level for the B32 thermal unit is: 20.0/17.0 x 100=118%.
National Electrical Code, Section 430-32, allows a maximum protection level of 125% for the motor in the above example.
Minimum Trip Current (also called ultimate current) may vary from the trip current rating value, since ratings are established under standardized test conditions. Factors which influence variations include: the number of thermal units installed, enclosure size, proximity to heat producing devices, size of conductors installed, ambient (room) temperature, and others.
Except for ambient temperature-compensated overload relays, an ambient temperature higher than 40oC would lower the trip current, and a lower temperature would increase it. This variation is not a factor in selecting thermal units for the average application, since most motor ratings are based on an ambient temperature of 40 °C, and motor capacity varies with temperature in about the same proportion as the change in trip current. Temperature-compensated relays maintain a nearly constant trip current over a wide range of ambient temperature, and are intended for use where the relay, because of its location, cannot sense changes in the motor ambient temperature.
Calculation of the Trip Current for Ambient Temperatures Other Than 40 °C
For a controller ambient temperature other than 40 °C (104
°F) trip current can be calculated by applying a correction factor
from the curve in
Figure 1. The approximate trip current
for a particular ambient temperature is the product of (1) the multiplier
M corresponding to the temperature and (2) the 40 °C trip current
Ambient temperature is the temperature surrounding the starter enclosure. Normal temperature rise inside the enclosure has been taken into account in preparing the thermal unit selection tables.
Example 2: Determine the trip current for the motor and controller in Example 1, except the controller is in a 30 °C (86 °F) ambient temperature. From the curve in Figure 1 the multiplier M is 1.1 at 30 °C. The approximate trip current is 16.0 × 1.25 × 1.1 = 22 A.
Approximate Thermal Unit Selection Based On Horsepower and Voltage
General—Thermal units selected using approximate full-load currents from Use This Table Only When the Motor Full-Load Current Is Not Known will provide a trip current between 101% and 125% of full-load current for many 4-pole, single speed, normal torque, 60 Hz motors. Since full-load current rating of different makes and types of motors vary so widely, these selections may not be suitable.
Thermal units should be selected on the basis of motor nameplate full-load current and service factor. Thermal unit sizes originally selected on an approximate basis should always be rechecked and corrected at the time of installation if required.
How to use Use This Table Only When the Motor Full-Load Current Is Not Known:
Locate the motor horsepower and voltage.
Determine the approximate full-load current fromUse This Table Only When the Motor Full-Load Current Is Not Known.
Use the approximate full-load current in place of actual nameplate full-load current and follow the Selection Procedure on Selection Procedure.
Use This Table Only When the Motor Full-Load Current Is Not Known
Motor |
Motor Full-Load Current |
Three Ø |
Single Ø |
200 V |
230 V |
460 V |
575 V |
115 V |
230 V |
1/6 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
4.4 |
2.2 |
1/4 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
5.8 |
2.9 |
1/3 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
7.2 |
3.6 |
1/2 |
2.5 |
2.2 |
1.1 |
0.9 |
9.8 |
4.9 |
3/4 |
3.7 |
3.2 |
1.6 |
1.3 |
13.8 |
6.9 |
1 |
4.8 |
4.2 |
2.1 |
1.7 |
16 |
8 |
1-1/2 |
6.9 |
6.0 |
3.0 |
2.4 |
20 |
10 |
2 |
7.8 |
6.8 |
3.4 |
2.7 |
24 |
12 |
3 |
11.0 |
9.6 |
4.8 |
3.9 |
34 |
17 |
5 |
17.5 |
15.2 |
7.6 |
6.1 |
56 |
28 |
7-1/2 |
25.3 |
22 |
11 |
9 |
80 |
40 |
10 |
32.2 |
28 |
14 |
11 |
— |
50 |
15 |
48.3 |
42 |
21 |
17 |
— |
— |
20 |
62.1 |
54 |
27 |
22 |
— |
— |
25 |
78.2 |
68 |
34 |
27 |
— |
— |
30 |
92 |
80 |
40 |
32 |
— |
— |
40 |
120 |
104 |
52 |
41 |
— |
— |
50 |
150 |
130 |
65 |
52 |
— |
— |
60 |
177 |
154 |
77 |
62 |
— |
— |
75 |
221 |
192 |
96 |
77 |
— |
— |
100 |
285 |
248 |
124 |
99 |
— |
— |
125 |
359 |
312 |
156 |
125 |
— |
— |
150 |
414 |
360 |
180 |
144 |
— |
— |
200 |
552 |
480 |
240 |
192 |
— |
— |
These currents should not be used for selection of fuses, circuit breakers or wire sizes. See NEC tables 430-248 through 430-250. For motors rated 208-220 volts, use 230 V column. For motors rated 440 to 550 volts, use 460 and 575 V columns, respectively.
Mounting of the Thermal Units
Always be certain the correct thermal units are installed in the starter before operating the motor. Thermal units should always be mounted so that their type designation can be read from the front of the starter (see Figure 1). Melting alloy thermal units should be mounted so that the tooth of the pawl assembly can engage the teeth of the ratchet wheel when the reset button is pushed.
Mounting surfaces of starter and thermal units should be clean and care should be taken to insure that thermal unit mounting screws are fastened securely.
Thermal Unit Selection Tables
Thermal Unit Selection Tables
Thermal Unit Table 1
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
0.33–0.36 |
0.29–0.32 |
B 0.44 |
0.60–0.66 |
0.57–0.63 |
B 0.81 |
1.03–1.14 |
0.97–1.11 |
B 1.45 |
1.81–2.10 |
1.76–1.92 |
B 2.65 |
3.38–3.94 |
3.17–3.40 |
B 4.85 |
5.74–6.35 |
5.19–5.51 |
B 8.20 |
9.84–10.5 |
8.61–9.21 |
B 14.0 |
Following Selections |
— |
11.3–12.1 |
B 19.5 |
Following Selections |
23.2–27.1 |
— |
B 36.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 2
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
0.35–0.38 |
0.30–0.32 |
B 0.44 |
0.64–0.71 |
0.58–0.64 |
B 0.81 |
1.16–1.23 |
0.99–1.13 |
B 1.45 |
1.94–2.25 |
1.80–1.91 |
B 2.65 |
3.64–4.19 |
3.25–3.48 |
B 4.85 |
6.28–6.85 |
5.32–5.65 |
B 8.20 |
10.5–11.3 |
8.85–9.47 |
B 14.0 |
Following Selections |
— |
11.6–12.4 |
B 19.5 |
24.7–26.0 |
19.8–22.4 |
B 36.0 |
Following Selections |
24.7–29.1 |
— |
B 36.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 3
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
0.29–0.31 |
0.28–0.29 |
B 0.44 |
0.57–0.63 |
0.53–0.59 |
B 0.81 |
0.98–1.12 |
0.91–1.03 |
B 1.45 |
1.79–1.96 |
1.64–1.79 |
B 2.65 |
3.26–3.50 |
2.96–3.17 |
B 4.85 |
5.21–5.53 |
4.69–4.98 |
B 8.20 |
8.99–9.63 |
8.03–8.59 |
B 14.0 |
14.4–16.1 |
— |
B 25.0 |
Following Selections |
— |
11.3–12.7 |
B 22.0 |
23.1–26.0 |
20.2–22.6 |
B 40.0 |
Following Selections |
25.9–29.0 |
— |
B 45.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 4
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
0.32–0.33 |
0.29–0.30 |
B 0.44 B 0.51 |
0.62–0.68 |
0.55–0.61 |
B 0.81 |
1.06–1.21 |
0.94–1.07 |
B 1.45 |
1.94–2.12 |
1.71–1.87 |
B 2.65 |
3.54–3.80 |
3.10–3.32 |
B 4.85 |
5.67–6.03 |
4.92–5.23 |
B 8.20 |
9.83–10.4 |
8.45–9.05 |
B 14.0 |
Following Selections |
— |
12.0–13.4 |
B 22.0 |
Following Selections |
25.4–28.4 |
— |
B 40.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 5
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Current Transformer Ratio |
Thermal Unit Number |
25/5 |
50/5 |
75/5 |
100/5 |
150/5 |
200/5 |
250/5 |
300/5 |
400/5 |
500/5 |
Motor FLC |
10.6–11.7 |
21.1–23.6 |
31.7–35.4 |
42.3–47.2 |
63.4–70.9 |
84.5–94.6 |
106.–117. |
127.–141. |
169.–188. |
211.–236. |
B 3.00 |
14.9–17.2 |
29.7–34.5 |
44.6–51.8 |
59.5–69.2 |
89.2–103. |
119.–138. |
149.–172. |
178.–207. |
238.–276. |
297.–345. |
B 4.15 |
Thermal Unit Table 9
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
15.3–16.7 |
— |
30.5–31.9 |
— |
50.3–57.1 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 10
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
43.6–47.3 |
CC 54.5 |
65.2–70.1 |
CC 81.5 |
96.6–104. |
CC 121.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 12
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
92.–100. |
DD 112.0 |
140.–156. |
DD 160.0 |
210.–225. |
DD 250.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 14
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1.T.U. |
2 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
0.43–0.47 |
0.41–0.45 |
0.40–0.41 |
A .49 |
0.70–0.76 |
0.68–0.72 |
0.63–0.67 |
A .78 |
1.16–1.23 |
1.09–1.18 |
1.03–1.09 |
A 1.25 |
1.68–1.77 |
1.61–1.72 |
1.49–1.58 |
A 1.86 |
2.57–2.92 |
2.46–2.82 |
2.30–2.62 |
A 2.81 |
4.25–4.62 |
4.17–4.51 |
3.86–4.16 |
A 5.30 |
6.37–6.99 |
6.17–6.75 |
5.83–6.34 |
A 8.38 |
Thermal Unit Table 13
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1.T.U. |
2 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
0.29–0.31 |
0.29–0.31 |
0.28–0.30 |
B 0.44 |
0.55–0.61 |
0.55–0.61 |
0.54–0.59 |
B 0.81 |
0.95–1.05 |
0.95–1.05 |
0.91–1.03 |
B 1.45 |
1.72–1.93 |
1.72–1.93 |
1.63–1.77 |
B 2.65 |
3.16–3.55 |
3.16–3.55 |
3.00–3.42 |
B 4.85 |
5.20–5.73 |
5.20–5.73 |
4.94–5.21 |
B 8.20 |
8.56–9.53 |
8.56–9.53 |
8.15–8.72 |
B 14.0 |
15.0–16.6 |
— |
— |
B 25.0 |
Following Selections for Size 1 Only |
— |
11.9–13.2 |
— |
B 19.5 |
21.3–23.0 |
21.3–23.0 |
17.6–19.7 |
B 36.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 15
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1.T.U. |
2 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
0.31–0.33 |
0.31–0.33 |
0.29–0.31 |
B 0.44 |
0.58–0.64 |
0.58–0.64 |
0.56–0.61 |
B 0.81 |
1.00–1.10 |
1.00–1.10 |
0.94–1.06 |
B 1.45 |
1.81–2.03 |
1.81–2.03 |
1.68–1.83 |
B 2.65 |
3.30–3.75 |
3.30–3.75 |
3.14–3.59 |
B 4.85 |
5.54–6.09 |
5.54–6.09 |
5.22–5.51 |
B 8.20 |
9.05–9.99 |
9.05–9.99 |
8.70–9.32 |
B 14.0 |
15.5–18.0 |
— |
— |
B 25.0 |
Following Selections for Size 1 Only |
— |
11.2–12.3 |
— |
B 17.5 |
19.5–21.7 |
19.5–21.7 |
17.3–18.9 |
B 32.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 16
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1.T.U. |
2 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
16.2–17.5 |
15.1–16.2 |
14.3–15.4 |
— |
23.8–25.4 |
22.4–24.0 |
21.2–22.7 |
CC 31.0 |
34.0–36.2 |
31.8–33.9 |
30.1–32.1 |
CC 46.6 |
48.4–52.0 |
45.0–48.3 |
42.7–45.8 |
CC 68.5 |
69.7–74.8 |
64.3–68.7 |
61.0–65.1 |
— |
— |
80.8–86.0 |
76.6–80.2 |
CC 156.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 17
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1.T.U. |
2 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
0.42–0.46 |
0.39–0.43 |
0.38–0.40 |
A .49 |
0.68–0.73 |
0.65–0.68 |
0.61–0.65 |
A .78 |
1.13–1.20 |
1.06–1.13 |
0.99–1.07 |
A 1.25 |
1.63–1.73 |
1.53–1.63 |
1.45–1.53 |
A 1.86 |
2.47–2.77 |
2.34–2.73 |
2.19–2.45 |
A 2.81 |
4.00–4.42 |
3.84–4.16 |
3.57–3.83 |
A 5.30 |
5.89–6.56 |
5.57–6.22 |
5.37–5.87 |
A 8.38 |
Thermal Unit Table 18
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1.T.U. |
2 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
15.5–16.4 |
14.4–15.3 |
13.6–14.5 |
— |
22.2–23.4 |
21.1–22.7 |
20.0–21.5 |
CC 31.0 |
31.6–33.7 |
29.9–31.7 |
28.3–30.0 |
CC 46.6 |
44.9–48.0 |
42.4–45.3 |
40.1–42.8 |
CC 68.5 |
63.4–67.2 |
60.8–64.8 |
57.5–61.3 |
— |
80.8–83.1 |
75.0–77.9 |
71.0–73.7 |
CC 156.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 19
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
43.6–47.3 |
54.5 |
65.2–70.1 |
81.5 |
96.6–104. |
CC 121.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 20
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
133.–148. |
B1.30 |
240.–271. |
B2.40 |
430.–495. |
B4.15 |
Thermal Unit Table 21
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Load |
128.–140. |
B1.30 |
228.–251. |
B2.40 |
381.–426. |
B4.15 |
Thermal Unit Table 22
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
92.0–100. |
112.0 |
140.–156. |
160.0 |
210.–225. |
DD 250.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 24
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
88.2–95.1 |
112.0 |
132.–149. |
160.0 |
205.–213. |
DD 265.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 26
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Size 7 Type J |
Size 8 Type K |
Thermal Unit Number |
Current Transformer Ratio |
120/5 |
2000/5 |
Motor FLC |
166.–187. |
277.–312. |
B1.03 |
302.–336. |
504.–561. |
B1.88 |
523.–587. |
871.–978. |
B3.30 |
Thermal Unit Table 28
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
2 or 3 T.U. |
Large |
Small |
45.3–48.2 |
40.3–42.8 |
64.3 |
66.2–71.4 |
58.0–62.5 |
94.0 |
95.0–102. |
85.0–91.0 |
CC 143.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 31
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.31–0.35 |
B0.44 |
0.45–0.50 |
B0.63 |
0.69–0.73 |
B0.92 |
0.93–1.03 |
B1.30 |
1.35–1.50 |
B1.88 |
1.98–2.14 |
B2.65 |
2.92–3.31 |
B3.70 |
4.06–4.94 |
B6.25 |
6.12–6.52 |
B8.20 |
8.44–9.83 |
B11.5 |
11.7–12.9 |
B15.5 |
15.8–17.8 |
B22.0 |
23.4–26.6 |
B32.0 |
35.4–41.5 |
B45.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 34
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
15.1–16.2 |
— |
22.3–24.0 |
31.0 |
32.6–35.1 |
46.6 |
47.3–51.1 |
68.5 |
69.6–75.0 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 40
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
15.3–16.7 |
— |
30.5–31.9 |
— |
50.3–57.1 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 41
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.81–0.92 |
B1.16 |
1.50–1.73 |
B2.10 |
2.67–2.99 |
B3.70 |
4.50–5.15 |
B6.90 |
7.98–8.15 |
B11.5 |
12.1–13.9 |
B19.5 |
24.1–28.6 |
B36.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 43
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.41–0.44 0.45–0.49 0.50–0.53 0.54–0.58 0.59–0.65 |
A .49 A .54 A .59 A .65 A .71 |
0.66–0.71 0.72–0.78 0.79–0.85 0.86–0.96 0.97–1.04 |
A .78 A .86 A .95 A 1.02 A 1.16 |
1.05–1.16 1.17–1.29 1.30–1.37 1.38–1.47 1.48–1.56 |
A 1.25 A 1.39 A 1.54 A 1.63 A 1.75 |
1.57–1.65 1.66–1.79 1.80–1.95 1.96–2.15 2.16–2.38 |
A 1.86 A 1.99 A 2.15 A 2.31 A 2.57 |
2.39–2.75 2.76–2.84 2.85–3.06 3.07–3.45 3.46–3.70 |
A 2.81 A 3.61 A 3.95 A 4.32 A 4.79 |
3.71–4.07 4.08–4.32 4.33–4.90 4.91–5.35 5.36–5.85 |
A 5.30 A 5.78 A 6.20 A 6.99 A 7.65 |
5.86–6.41 6.42–6.79 6.80–7.57 7.58–8.15 8.16–8.98 |
A 8.38 A 9.25 A 9.85 A 11.0 A 11.9 |
8.99–9.67 9.68–9.95 9.96–10.8 10.9–12.1 12.2–13.1 |
A 13.2 A 14.1 A 14.8 A 16.2 A 17.9 |
13.2–13.9 14.0–15.0 15.1–16.0 |
A 19.8 A 21.3 A 25.2 |
Thermal Unit Table 44
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.34–0.38 |
B0.44 |
0.63–0.69 |
B0.81 |
1.11–1.26 |
B1.45 |
2.01–2.28 |
B2.65 |
3.76–4.27 |
B4.85 |
6.26–6.83 |
B8.20 |
10.4–11.3 |
B14.0 |
18.0–20.1 |
B25.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 49
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
82.5–88.2 |
112.0 |
122.–139. |
160.0 |
185.–195. |
DD 265.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 53
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
0.31–0.33 |
0.29–0.31 |
B0.44 |
0.58–0.64 |
0.56–0.61 |
B0.81 |
1.00–1.10 |
0.94–1.06 |
B1.45 |
1.81–2.03 |
1.68–1.83 |
B2.65 |
3.30–3.75 |
3.14–3.59 |
B4.85 |
5.54–6.09 |
5.22–5.51 |
B8.20 |
Thermal Unit Table 54
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
2 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
43.6–45.5 |
41.1–43.5 |
64.3 |
62.5–67.5 |
57.6–61.8 |
94.0 |
84.7–90.7 |
80.8–86.5 |
143.0 |
124.–133. |
118.–123. |
CC 208.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 56
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 or 2 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
3.29–3.74 |
3.18–3.40 |
B4.85 |
5.68–6.13 |
5.04–5.32 |
B8.20 |
9.40–10.4 |
8.48–9.15 |
B14.0 |
16.6–18.5 |
13.7–15.2 |
B25.0 |
29.4–35.1 |
24.2–27.0 |
B45.0 |
— |
35.5–38.2 |
B79.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 58
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 or 2 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
3.37–3.82 |
3.28–3.51 |
B4.85 |
5.80–6.27 |
5.23–5.53 |
B8.20 |
9.56–10.6 |
8.91–9.57 |
B14.0 |
17.0–18.8 |
14.5–16.1 |
B25.0 |
30.0–35.5 |
25.7–28.8 |
B45.0 |
— |
38.7–45.0 |
B79.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 59
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 or 2 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
0.34–0.38 |
0.29–0.31 |
B0.44 |
0.61–0.68 |
0.56–0.62 |
B0.81 |
1.08–1.23 |
0.96–1.09 |
B1.45 |
1.97–2.15 |
1.74–1.90 |
B2.65 |
3.54–4.01 |
3.23–3.48 |
B4.85 |
5.96–6.58 |
5.29–5.64 |
B8.20 |
9.92–10.7 |
9.41–10.0 |
B14.0 B19.5 |
17.1–18.9 |
15.5–17.5 |
B25.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 61
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
2 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
46.8–50.0 |
45.3–48.2 |
64.3 |
68.6–74.0 |
66.2–71.4 |
94.0 |
95.7–102. |
91.2–98.1 |
CC 143.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 65
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.31–0.35 |
B0.44 |
0.59–0.65 |
B0.81 |
1.04–1.19 |
B1.45 |
1.90–2.14 |
B2.65 |
3.48–3.94 |
B4.85 |
5.89–6.52 |
B8.20 |
10.0–11.0 |
B14.0 |
17.9–20.0 |
B25.0 |
Following Selections |
23.0–25.7 |
B32.0 |
40.2–44.4 |
B56.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 66
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.31–0.32 |
B0.44 |
0.55–0.61 |
B0.81 |
0.99–1.05 |
B1.45 |
1.72–1.97 |
B2.65 |
3.29–3.88 |
B4.85 |
5.36–5.91 |
B8.20 |
8.10–9.51 |
B14.0 |
15.0–16.1 |
B25.0 |
23.6–26.0 |
B45.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 67
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
3.79–4.14 |
B5.50 |
6.00–6.82 |
B9.10 |
10.0–10.8 |
B15.5 |
16.8–17.9 |
B28.0 |
28.4–29.6 |
B50.0 |
40.0–45.0 |
B88.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 68
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
14.9–16.1 |
— |
22.5–23.9 |
31.0 |
31.9–34.2 |
46.6 |
45.1–48.6 |
68.5 |
64.4–68.9 |
— |
82.2–86.0 |
CC 156.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 69
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 or 2 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
3.46–3.90 |
3.38–3.65 |
B4.85 |
5.85–6.54 |
5.60–5.98 |
B8.20 |
10.1–11.2 |
10.1–10.7 |
B14.0 |
18.5–20.5 |
16.8–18.9 |
B25.0 |
33.6–37.2 |
31.3–35.5 |
B45.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 72
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
2.38–2.62 |
2.38–2.62 |
— |
3.32–3.43 |
3.32–3.43 |
— |
4.33–4.75 |
4.33–4.75 |
— |
5.76–5.97 |
5.76–5.97 |
— |
6.56–6.89 |
6.56–6.89 |
— |
7.37–8.30 |
7.37–8.30 |
— |
9.02–9.68 |
9.02–9.68 |
— |
11.0–11.3 |
11.0–11.3 |
— |
13.0–14.0 |
— |
— |
15.8–16.6 |
— |
— |
Following Selections for Size M–1 & M–1P Only. |
— |
11.4–12.4 |
— |
— |
13.0–14.0 |
— |
— |
15.8–16.6 |
— |
18.4–19.4 |
18.4–19.4 |
— |
21.8–22.8 |
21.8–22.8 |
— |
24.8–25.4 |
24.8–25.4 |
— |
Following Selections for Size M–1P Only. |
26.1–27.7 |
— |
— |
30.7–32.5 |
— |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 73
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
2.42–2.67 |
2.42–2.67 |
— |
3.37–3.53 |
3.37–3.53 |
— |
4.42–4.83 |
4.42–4.83 |
— |
5.90–6.04 |
5.90–6.04 |
— |
6.73–7.00 |
6.73–7.00 |
— |
7.55–8.41 |
7.55–8.41 |
— |
9.17–10.0 |
9.17–10.0 |
— |
11.5–11.8 |
11.5–11.8 |
— |
13.5–14.2 |
— |
— |
Following Selections for Size M–1 & M–1P Only. |
— |
11.5–11.8 |
— |
— |
13.5–14.2 |
— |
17.2–18.0 |
17.2–18.0 |
— |
19.8–20.9 |
19.8–20.9 |
— |
23.2–24.3 |
23.2–24.3 |
— |
Following Selections for Size M–1P Only. |
26.1–26.8 |
— |
— |
28.8–30.2 |
— |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 74
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
2.23–2.47 |
2.23–2.47 |
— |
3.05–3.24 |
3.05–3.24 |
— |
4.20–4.62 |
4.20–4.62 |
— |
5.40–5.69 |
5.40–5.69 |
— |
6.30–6.64 |
6.30–6.64 |
— |
7.40–7.79 |
7.40–7.79 |
— |
8.50–8.99 |
8.50–8.99 |
— |
10.2–10.6 |
10.2–10.6 |
— |
12.0–12.6 |
— |
— |
14.8–15.2 |
— |
— |
Following Selections for Size 1 Only. |
— |
12.0–12.6 |
— |
14.8–15.2 |
14.8–15.2 |
— |
17.5–18.5 |
17.5–18.5 |
— |
20.3–21.5 |
20.3–21.5 |
— |
23.3–24.3 |
23.3–24.3 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 75
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
3.22–3.57 |
— |
4.57–5.10 |
— |
5.65–5.96 |
— |
6.59–6.91 |
— |
7.83–8.32 |
— |
9.48–10.0 |
— |
11.2–12.0 |
— |
13.6–14.6 |
— |
16.6–17.4 |
— |
20.2–21.0 |
— |
23.4–24.3 |
— |
26.4–27.6 |
— |
30.5–32.0 |
— |
35.3–37.0 |
— |
40.8–45.0 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 76
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
19.9–20.8 |
— |
23.9–25.4 |
— |
29.3–31.9 |
— |
36.2–38.5 |
— |
43.7–45.9 |
— |
50.8–53.9 |
— |
60.9–67.6 |
— |
83.0–86.0 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 77
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
48.0–50.9 |
— |
57.1–60.4 |
— |
72.0–83.9 |
— |
105–109 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 78
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T. U. |
2 T. U. or |
2.26–2.51 |
2.26–2.51 |
— |
3.10–3.30 |
3.10–3.30 |
— |
4.28–4.72 |
4.28–4.72 |
— |
5.54–5.81 |
5.54–5.81 |
— |
6.45–6.81 |
6.45–6.81 |
— |
7.60–7.99 |
7.60–7.99 |
— |
8.75–9.31 |
8.75–9.31 |
— |
10.6–11.1 |
10.6–11.1 — |
— |
12.5–13.1 |
— |
— |
15.4–15.9 |
— |
— |
Following Selections for Size 1 Only. |
— |
12.0–12.4 |
— |
14.4–15.3 |
14.4–15.3 |
— |
17.0–18.3 |
17.0–18.3 |
— |
20.6–21.1 |
20.6–21.1 |
— |
23.8–24.3 |
23.8–24.3 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 79
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
3.31–3.67 |
— |
4.70–5.21 |
— |
5.75–6.07 |
— |
6.72–7.03 |
— |
7.92–8.53 |
— |
9.72–10.2 |
— |
11.6–12.3 |
— |
14.0–15.1 |
— |
17.0–17.9 |
— |
20.8–21.7 |
— |
24.0–25.1 |
— |
27.2–28.6 |
— |
31.8–33.3 |
— |
36.6–38.5 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 80
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
20.5–21.7 |
— |
24.9–26.5 |
— |
30.5–32.8 |
— |
37.4–39.8 |
— |
45.9–48.2 |
— |
53.2–56.5 |
— |
63.5–71.0 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 81
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
52.2–55.6 |
— |
62.6–66.0 |
— |
78.7–92.0 |
— |
115–123 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 82
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
2.36–2.63 |
— |
3.24–3.45 |
— |
4.45–4.95 |
— |
5.76–6.09 |
— |
6.76–7.16 |
— |
8.00–8.46 |
— |
9.75–10.3 |
— |
11.7–12.2 |
— |
13.8–14.3 |
— |
16.8–17.6 |
— |
20.0–21.1 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 83
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
2.30–2.60 |
— |
3.18–3.37 |
— |
4.30–4.75 |
— |
5.52–5.78 |
— |
6.42–6.75 |
— |
7.58–7.90 |
— |
9.48–10.0 |
— |
11.5–12.1 |
— |
13.8–14.7 |
— |
17.4–18.2 |
— |
20.8–22.3 |
— |
24.3–26.0 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 84
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
3.38–3.78 |
— |
4.88–5.51 |
— |
6.10–6.44 |
— |
7.16–7.57 |
— |
8.48–8.81 |
— |
10.2–10.8 |
— |
12.2–13.1 |
— |
14.9–16.1 |
— |
18.4–19.5 |
— |
22.6–23.7 |
— |
26.5–27.7 |
— |
30.0–31.8 |
— |
35.2–37.1 |
— |
41.2–45.0 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 85
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
42.9–45.4 |
— |
52.5–55.9 |
— |
63.9–67.9 |
— |
83.3–94.7 |
— |
117–121 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 86
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.43–0.44 |
A .49 |
0.54–0.61 |
A .65 |
0.72–0.79 |
A .86 |
0.97–1.04 |
A 1.16 |
1.32–1.38 |
A 1.54 |
1.58–1.65 |
A 1.86 |
1.94–2.18 |
A 2.31 |
2.69–2.87 |
A 3.61 |
3.60–3.79 |
A 4.79 |
4.60–4.90 |
A 6.20 |
5.45–6.24 |
A 8.38 |
7.70–8.24 |
A 11.0 |
9.33–9.99 |
A 14.1 |
11.6–12.2 |
A 17.9 |
15.9–18.4 |
— |
21.6–23.9 |
— |
28.3–29.8 |
A 42.3 |
Thermal Unit Table 87
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.40–0.41 |
A .49 |
0.52–0.58 |
A .65 |
0.69–0.76 |
A .86 |
0.94–1.01 |
A 1.16 |
1.29–1.34 |
A 1.54 |
1.56–1.61 |
A 1.86 |
1.86–2.04 |
A 2.31 |
2.61–2.77 |
A 3.61 |
3.41–3.64 |
A 4.79 |
4.39–4.68 |
A 6.20 |
5.12–5.84 |
A 8.38 |
7.19–7.70 |
A 11.0 |
8.57–9.15 |
A 14.1 |
10.7–11.0 |
A 17.9 |
Thermal Unit Table 88
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.39–0.40 |
A .49 |
0.50–0.57 |
A .65 |
0.67–0.73 |
A .86 |
0.91–0.97 |
A 1.16 |
1.24–1.57 |
A 1.86 |
1.80–1.99 |
A 2.31 |
2.51–2.66 |
A 3.61 |
3.27–3.49 |
A 4.79 |
4.21–4.49 |
A 6.20 |
4.95–5.62 |
A 8.38 |
6.83–7.27 |
A 11.0 |
8.14–8.64 |
A 14.1 |
9.98–11.0 |
A 17.9 |
Thermal Unit Table 89
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
10.0–11.1 |
B17.5 |
13.4–15.1 |
B25.0 |
18.7–21.4 |
B36.0 |
28.3–29.7 |
B50.0 |
32.2–35.7 |
B70.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 90
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
4.88–5.13 |
A 7.65 |
6.68–7.09 |
A 9.85 |
8.05–8.46 |
A 13.2 |
9.70–10.5 |
A 16.2 |
12.4–14.6 |
A 25.2 |
18.0–18.7 |
— |
21.5–22.8 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 91
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
4.80–5.07 |
A 7.65 |
6.49–6.90 |
A 9.85 |
7.82–8.29 |
A 13.2 |
9.41–10.0 |
A 16.2 |
11.8–13.7 |
A 25.2 |
17.0–17.7 |
— |
20.3–21.4 |
— |
23.9–26.0 |
A 48.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 92
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
10.5–11.7 |
B17.5 |
14.1–15.8 |
B25.0 |
19.7–23.5 |
B36.0 |
30.6–32.2 |
B50.0 |
35.3–39.5 |
B70.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 93
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
23.8–25.2 |
36.4 |
28.5–30.3 |
46.6 |
34.3–36.3 |
59.4 |
43.2–45.9 |
74.6 |
51.7–54.2 |
94.0 |
60.4–63.5 |
121.0 |
70.4–74.1 |
156.0 |
83.4–86.0 |
CC 196.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 94
(index and instructions:General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
25.8–27.5 |
36.4 |
31.5–33.2 |
46.6 |
38.9–41.6 |
59.4 |
48.0–50.9 |
74.6 |
57.5–60.6 |
94.0 |
68.5–73.4 |
121.0 |
83.9–86.0 |
CC 156.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 95
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
42.5–44.7 |
64.3 |
51.3–55.2 |
81.5 |
63.9–68.8 |
— |
77.8–82.5 |
132.0 |
92.0–97.2 |
167.0 |
115–123 |
CC 208.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 96
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
49.5–52.0 |
64.3 |
58.8–63.3 |
81.5 |
73.7–79.4 |
— |
89.8–94.8 |
132.0 |
106–111 |
167.0 |
132–141 |
CC 208.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 103
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
40.8–45.5 |
B1.03 |
45.6–49.9 |
B1.16 |
51.0–57.5 |
B1.30 |
57.6–65.9 |
B1.45 |
66.0–73.1 |
B1.67 |
73.2–81.5 |
B1.88 |
81.6–92.3 |
B2.10 |
92.4–104 |
B2.40 |
105–114 |
B2.65 |
115–128 |
B3.00 |
129–140 |
B3.30 |
141–160 |
B3.70 |
161–193 |
B4.15 |
194–209 |
B4.85 |
210–232 |
B5.50 |
233–248 |
B6.25 |
249–266 |
B6.90 |
Thermal Unit Table 104
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
Max. Fuse Rating (A) |
0.65–0.73 |
B1.03 |
1.50 |
0.74–0.82 |
B1.16 |
1.50 |
0.93–0.91 |
B1.30 |
1.60 |
0.92–1.04 |
B1.45 |
2.00 |
1.05–1.16 |
B1.67 |
2.00 |
1.17–1.26 |
B1.88 |
2.25 |
1.27–1.47 |
B2.10 |
2.60 |
1.48–1.65 |
B2.40 |
3.00 |
1.66–1.89 |
B2.65 |
3.50 |
1.90–2.17 |
B3.00 |
4.00 |
2.18–2.49 |
B3.30 |
4.50 |
2.50–2.79 |
B3.70 |
5.00 |
2.80–3.13 |
B4.15 |
5.60 |
3.14–3.36 |
B4.85 |
6.00 |
3.37–3.69 |
B5.50 |
7.00 |
3.70–3.92 |
B6.25 |
7.00 |
3.93–4.42 |
B6.90 |
8.00 |
4.43–4.99 |
B7.70 |
9.00 |
5.00–5.27 |
B8.20 |
10.0 |
5.28–5.84 |
B9.10 |
12.0 |
5.85–6.61 |
B10.2 |
12.0 |
6.62–7.42 |
B11.5 |
15.0 |
7.43–8.02 |
B12.8 |
15.0 |
8.03–8.53 |
B14.0 |
15.0 |
8.54–9.34 |
B15.5 |
17.5 |
9.35–10.1 |
B17.5 |
17.5 |
10.2–10.8 |
B19.5 |
20.0 |
10.9–12.0 |
B22.0 |
25.0 |
12.1–13.0 |
B25.0 |
25.0 |
13.1–15.5 |
B28.0 |
30.0 |
600 V Max. |
250 V Max. |
15.6–17.9 |
B32.0 |
30 |
30 |
18.0–21.4 |
B36.0 |
30 |
40 |
21.5–25.1 |
B40.0 |
30 |
40 |
25.2–27.0 |
B45.0 |
30 |
40 |
Thermal Unit Table 105
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
105–112 |
CC 74.6 |
113–122 |
CC 81.5 |
123–131 |
CC 87.7 |
132–142 |
CC 94.0 |
143–153 |
— |
154–157 |
CC 112.0 |
158–169 |
CC 121.0 |
170–181 |
CC 132.0 |
182–195 |
CC 143.0 |
196–209 |
CC 156.0 |
210–227 |
CC 167.0 |
228–247 |
CC 180.0 |
248–266 |
CC 196.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 109
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
0.56–0.63 |
B0.81 |
0.86–0.97 |
B1.30 |
1.54–1.73 |
B2.40 |
2.54–2.87 |
B3.70 |
3.86–4.11 |
B6.25 |
5.54–6.17 |
B9.10 |
8.62–9.17 |
B14.0 |
11.9–13.5 |
B22.0 |
19.5–22.2 |
B36.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 110
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
3.94–4.45 |
B6.90 |
5.98–6.89 |
B10.2 |
9.28–10.2 |
B15.5 |
14.0–15.8 |
B25.0 |
22.9–25.4 |
B40.0 |
32.6–34.9 |
B62.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 111
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
14.0–14.9 |
— |
20.3–21.7 |
31.0 |
29.5–31.6 |
46.6 |
42.4–45.7 |
68.5 |
61.3–66.1 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 112
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
44.0–46.8 |
64.3 |
63.0–67.7 |
94.0 |
91.2–97.5 |
CC 143.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 113
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
88.2–95.1 |
112.0 |
112–119 |
— |
150–170 |
185.0 |
198–204 |
250.0 |
238–243 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 114
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
133–148 |
B1.30 |
196–219 |
B1.88 |
272–308 |
B2.65 |
398–429 |
B3.70 |
Thermal Unit Table 115
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
176–190 |
DD 112.0 |
191–203 |
— |
203–223 |
— |
224–239 |
— |
240–253 |
DD 150.0 |
254–299 |
DD 160.0 |
300–341 |
DD 185.0 |
342–361 |
DD 220.0 |
362–395 |
DD 240.0 |
396–409 |
DD 250.0 |
410–427 |
DD 265.0 |
428–475 |
DD 289.0 |
476–487 |
— |
488–532 |
— |
Thermal Unit Table 116
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A)) |
Thermal Unit Number |
81.6–91.1 |
B1.03 |
91.2–101 |
B1.16 |
102–115 |
B1.30 |
116–131 |
B1.45 |
132–146 |
B1.67 |
147–163 |
B1.88 |
164–184 |
B2.10 |
185–209 |
B2.40 |
210–229 |
B2.65 |
230–257 |
B3.00 |
258–281 |
B3.30 |
282–321 |
B3.70 |
322–387 |
B4.15 |
388–419 |
B4.35 |
420–465 |
B5.60 |
466–497 |
B6.25 |
496–532 |
B6.90 |
Thermal Unit Table 127
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1.12–1.27 |
B0.81 |
1.72–1.95 |
B1.30 |
2.68–3.07 |
B2.10 |
4.36–5.07 |
B3.30 |
7.00–7.71 |
B5.50 |
10.44–11.07 |
B8.20 |
15.86–17.23 |
B12.8 |
22.2–23.7 |
B19.5 |
35.0–38.9 |
B32.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 128
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
7.88–8.91 |
B6.90 |
9.96–10.57 |
B8.20 |
15.86–17.43 |
B12.8 |
23.0–24.7 |
B19.5 |
36.0–39.9 |
B32.0 |
61.8–65.1 |
B50.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 129
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
28.0–29.9 |
— |
37.6–40.5 |
28.8 |
50.6–54.3 |
39.6 |
68.2–73.7 |
54.5 |
91.6–98.5 |
74.6 |
122.6–132.3 |
— |
166.0–180.0 |
CC 143.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 133
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
4.60–5.23 |
B6.90 |
6.26–7.09 |
B9.10 |
9.50–10.3 |
B12.8 |
12.6–13.8 |
B17.5 |
17.0–19.1 |
B25.0 |
24.5–28.0 |
B36.0 |
36.1–38.5 |
B50.0 |
44.5–50.3 |
B70.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 134
(index and instructions:General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
4.30–4.98 |
B6.90 |
5.95–6.71 |
B9.10 |
8.94–9.77 |
B12.8 |
11.8–13.0 |
B17.5 |
15.1–17.2 |
B25.0 |
22.4–26.0 |
B36.0 |
34.1–36.7 |
B50.0 |
42.2–46.6 |
B70.0 |
Thermal Unit Table 135
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
0.77–0.88 |
0.85–0.95 |
B1.30 |
1.63–1.90 |
1.57–1.76 |
B2.40 |
3.20–3.61 |
2.88–3.21 |
B4.15 |
5.20–5.79 |
4.54–5.03 |
B7.70 |
9.00–9.98 |
7.80–8.53 |
B12.8 |
14.3–15.4 – |
11.8–13.4 |
B22.0 |
For Type 20
A Starter. |
20.1–22.7 – |
18.0–20.2 |
B32.0 |
For Type 25
A Starter. |
22.8–26.1 |
– 23.3–25.8 |
B36.0 |
For Type 30 A Starter. |
Thermal Unit Table 136
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T. U. |
3 T. U. |
0.98–1.09 |
0.88–0.98 |
B1.30 |
1.82–2.04 |
1.63–1.82 |
B2.40 |
3.30–3.69 |
3.08–3.44 |
B4.15 |
5.38–5.94 |
4.90–5.44 |
B7.70 |
9.40–10.3 |
8.50–9.29 |
B12.8 |
14.8–16.1 – |
13.2–14.6 |
B22.0 |
For Type DPSO12 & DPSO13, 20 A Starter. |
18.4–20.9 – |
– 19.0–20.9 |
B28.0 |
For Type DPSO22 & DPSO23, 25 A Starter. |
23.7–27.2 |
– 24.2–27.2 |
B36.0 |
For Type DPSO33, 30 A Starter. |
Thermal Unit Table 145
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
1.00–1.11 |
0.91–1.02 |
B1.30 |
1.54–1.78 |
1.40–1.61 |
B2.10 |
2.53–2.94 |
2.35–2.69 |
B3.30 |
4.03–4.46 |
3.66–4.04 |
B5.50 |
5.95–6.34 |
5.39–5.71 |
B8.20 |
9.33–10.2 |
8.35–9.14 |
B12.8 |
13.5–14.2 |
11.9–12.2 |
B19.5 |
20.6–23.5 |
19.0–21.3 |
B32.0 |
35.1–37.2 |
B50.0 |
For Type DPSG42 & DPSG43, 40 A Starter. |
Thermal Unit Table 146
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
3.90–4.22 |
3.60–3.89 |
B5.50 |
5.79–6.23 |
5.31–5.70 |
B8.20 |
9.32–10.1 |
8.56–9.36 |
B12.8 |
13.2–13.9 |
12.1–12.8 |
B19.5 |
20.9–23.1 |
18.6–21.2 |
B32.0 |
36.1–38.8 |
31.8–34.6 |
B50.0 |
— |
46.5–50.0 |
B79.0 |
For Type DPSG52 & DPSG53,
50 A Starter. |
Thermal Unit Table 147
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
1.04–1.14 |
0.93–1.04 |
B1.30 |
1.57–1.79 |
1.44–1.67 |
B2.10 |
2.52–3.03 |
2.42–2.79 |
B3.30 |
4.08–4.49 |
3.76–4.22 |
B5.50 |
6.05–6.46 |
5.62–5.99 |
B8.20 |
9.60–10.5 |
8.80–9.66 |
B12.8 |
14.0–14.9 |
12.7–13.5 |
B19.5 |
22.3–24.6 |
20.0–22.5 |
B32.0 |
37.4–39.5 |
B50.0 |
For Type DPSO42 & DPSO43,
40 A Starter. |
Thermal Unit Table 148
(index and instructions: General to Mounting Thermal Units)
Motor FLC (A) |
Thermal Unit Number |
1 T.U. |
3 T.U. |
4.14–4.45 |
3.70–4.09 |
B5.50 |
6.09–6.42 |
5.80–6.27 |
B8.20 |
9.65–10.4 |
9.56–10.2 |
B12.8 |
13.8–14.8 |
13.2–14.0 |
B19.5 |
21.5–24.3 |
19.7–22.1 |
B32.0 |
37.7–41.1 |
34.1–36.4 |
B50.0 |
— |
49.4–50.0 |
B79.0 |
For Type DPSO52 & DPSO53,
50 A Starter. |