User Management
The default user account has administrator rights such as reading and changing the product configuration, pairing or unpairing wireless devices, accessing system logs. The user name of the user account is SecurityAdmin.
This function is available on Panel Server Entry, Universal, and Advanced.
Changing the User Account Password
The user account password can be changed as follows:
With EcoStruxure Power Commission software
On the home page of Panel Server webpages
Click the arrow next to the user name in the header.
Select Change password from the drop down list.
Enter the old password.
Enter the new password.
Confirm the new password.
Click Apply.
Password Requirements
The EcoStruxure Panel Server incorporates password requirements.
A password must conform to the following rules:
6 to 32 characters
At least one character in uppercase
At least one character in lowercase
Must not contain special characters other than: ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + - , . ; : / ~ < > = ? @ [ ] \ ^ _ ` { } |
The space character is permitted
Password Lockout
After 10 invalid attempts to login to the EcoStruxure Panel Server, the user account is locked out.
When the user account is locked, the user must wait 10 minutes before being able to login again.
The user account is locked for 60 minutes each time there are 5 more invalid attempts.
User account lock state remains in case of reboot, including reboot after power loss.