
EcoStruxure Panel Server Webpages Overview

The web server embedded in the EcoStruxure Panel Server provides webpages enabling you to commission electrical products and systems compatible with the EcoStruxure Panel Server in your switchboard.

In addition the webpages provide real-time data and alarm views, and historical analysis from devices (depending on the model), for entry-level energy and operation management.

Electrical product and commissioning capabilities allow you to:

  • Define and pair wireless devices installed in the EcoStruxure Panel Server system (depending on the model)

  • Define and discover Modbus TCP/IP devices from EcoStruxure Panel Server (depending on the model)

Energy and operation management capabilities allow you to:

  • View real-time data and events locally or remotely through a supported web browser.

  • View trending on historical data, up to a period of 3 years (Advanced model).

  • Select the device data you want to log, and set logging intervals (Advanced model).

  • Export selected logged data to your PC or an SFTP server for additional analysis (Advanced model).

  • Provide data and improve system security through password protection and controlled access to individual webpages.

For more detailed information about the webpages, refer to Using EcoStruxure Panel Server Webpages.

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