
Output and Scheduled Control from Cloud


Only allow remote and/or scheduled control of loads for non-critical electrical loads that can safely be left unattended.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

Output remote control allows you to manage non-critical electrical loads remotely when the EcoStruxure Panel Server is connected to the Schneider Electric cloud service.

The function allows you to:

  • Remotely execute control orders on a device connected via a PowerTag C IO device configured as contactor with feedback loop mode or impulse relay mode , by using the a Schneider Electric cloud application. See Configuration of PowerTag Control Devices Through Webpages for more information about configuring contactor with feedback loop mode and impulse relay mode.

  • Send a control schedule when the EcoStruxure Panel Server is connected to the Schneider Electric cloud service. The schedule allows the Panel Server to remotely execute scheduled control orders, even if the connection to the cloud is interrupted.

    When a schedule is received and running, the following information is displayed on the webpages :

    • In the page header, Control scheduling is displayed to the right of Cloud service

    • At Settings > Data publication > Outputs remote control, the slider is green.

  • Send real-time status updates of the monitored device to the Schneider Electric cloud.


This function is available on Panel Server Entry, Universal, and Advanced.

Setting the Parameters

The output remote control function is enabled and disabled in the EcoStruxure Panel Server webpages, at Settings > Data Publication.

  1. In Publication method, select Schneider cloud services.

  2. In Output remote control, click the slider to enable remote control of outputs.

  3. Save the settings.

  4. Read the safety message popup and click Confirm or Cancel.

NOTE: The output remote control function is supported for PowerTag C IO devices only.
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