
Wi-Fi Infrastructure


The Panel Server supports the following applicative protocols on Wi-Fi infrastructure:

  • HTTPS to provide access to the Panel Server embedded webpages

  • Modbus TCP/IP

  • Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) protocol for IP network discovery

If the Panel Server Universal or Advanced is installed in a metallic enclosure, a Wi-Fi external antenna (reference PASA-ANT1) can be installed to extend the Wi-Fi network outside the metallic enclosure. The settings of output power for the external antenna are predefined and not editable.

If the Panel Server Entry is installed in a metallic enclosure, use the Ethernet port connection instead of Wi-Fi to avoid interruptions in communication.


This function is available on Panel Server Entry, Universal (except Wired by Design models), and Advanced.

Setting the Parameters

Wi-Fi infrastructure is configured on the EcoStruxure Panel Server webpages. Proceed as follows:

  1. Access the Panel Server webpages (see detailed topic).

  2. Configure the connection to Wi-Fi on the webpage Settings > Network communication > Wi-Fi infrastructure > General settings > Infrastructure activation.

General Settings

Do not set Wi-Fi Antenna parameter to External if the external Wi-Fi antenna is not connected to the Panel Server Universal or Advanced gateway.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
Parameter Description

Wi-Fi activation

Used to enable/disable Wi-Fi (enabled by default).

Infrastructure activation

Displayed when Wi-Fi activation is enabled and saved.

Used to enable the capability to connect to an existing infrastructure (enabled by default). The infrastructure settings are displayed and editable when Infrastructure Activation is enabled.

Antenna (Universal andAdvanced models)

When Wi-Fi is enabled, used to set the type of antenna used:

  • Internal (default setting)

  • External

Infrastructure Settings

The following parameters are displayed only when the parameter Infrastructure Activation is enabled.

Parameter Description

Connection status

Shows the Panel Server connection status to Wi-Fi network:

  • Connected
  • Not Connected
NOTE: If the Wi-Fi network is temporarily out of service, the Panel Server connects to the Wi-Fi network again within three minutes after network recovery.


Used to select the wireless network name by typing it in the field or displayed when double-clicked in Network list.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to use WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2) (or WPA3 if available) for wireless network security

NOTE: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) is not supported.

Authentication key

Used to enter the authentication key for Wi-Fi network.

Network list

Used to select a Wi-Fi network. The SSID field is automatically filled with the corresponding data by double-clicking the network name.

For each network name in the list, the following information is displayed:

  • A Wi-Fi strength indicator icon

  • A lock icon if a password is required to connect to the network

Wi-Fi Infrastructure IP Settings

The following parameters are displayed only when the parameter Infrastructure activation is enabled.

Parameter Description

Interface status

Shows the status of the Wi-Fi interface.

MAC address

Shows the Media Access Control (MAC) address. Setting not editable.

IPv6 activation

Used to enable/disable the IPv6 configuration (enabled by default).

IPv6 address

Shows the IPv6 address. Setting not editable.

NOTE: Displayed when the parameter IPv6 activation is enabled.

IPv4 assignment mode

Used to select the IPv4 assignment mode:

  • Select DHCP (default setting) to obtain IPv4 parameters automatically.

  • Select Static to enter the IPv4 address manually.

IPv4 address

Used to enter the static IP address of the Panel Server when the parameter IPv4 Configuration mode is set to Static IPv4 address.


Used to enter the netmask address of your network when the parameter IPv4 Configuration mode is set to Static IPv4 address.

NOTE: When Wi-Fi is activated, the Wi-Fi configuration takes precedence over the Ethernet IP configuration.

IMPORTANT: Use a different netmask for Wi-Fi from the netmask used for Ethernet to avoid connectivity issues on the Panel Server.

Gateway Settings

The following parameters are displayed only when the parameter Infrastructure activation is enabled.

Parameter Description

Gateway assignment mode

The gateway configuration is the same as the IPv4 configuration mode settings and not editable:

  • DHCP

  • Static

NOTE: The gateway embeds a DHCP client that receives the IP configuration from the DHCP server.

Gateway IPv4 address

Used to enter manually the gateway (router) IP address when the parameter Gateway settings > Assignment mode is set to Static.

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