
File Format of Publications


The file format of published files depends on the choice of publication method:

  • Schneider cloud services: json file format

  • SFTP and HTTPS: select json or csv file format on Panel Server webpages

File Format of CSV Publication

One .csv file contains:

  • Data relating to a single downstream device

  • All measurements configured with the same sampling period for that device

  • Data from one day of sampling

A maximum of 200 files can be exported in a publication. Additional files are not published.

NOTE: If the publication period is set to Weekly, the number of files may exceed 200. To publish the missing files, change the publication period to daily and start the publication.

The name of the CSV files that are exported follows the naming convention ReducedID_DeviceName_DateTime.csv where:

  • ReducedID

    is the internal identifier of the device, which ensures that files produced are unique for devices that would share the same name (for example, 10_mb, 21_zd).
  • DeviceName is the name given to the downstream device.

  • DateTime is the time stamp corresponding to when the file was published, expressed down to the millisecond in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmssSSS.

  • Only the following characters are allowed in the .csv file name : UTF-8 and basic ASCII (32 to 7F, excluding \ / : * ? " < > |). Any non-supported characters will be replaced by ~.

Example: Considering the following file name:
11_mb_F160 3P 3P+N_20221104084830994.csv where:

  • ReducedID is 11_mb.

  • DeviceName is F160 3P 3P+N, name of the device.

    NOTE: This name is the default value (product model) if the user has not updated it.

  • DateTime is 20221104084830994, which means that the file was published on November 4, 2022 at 8:48:30.994.

The .csv file content only supports UTF-8 standard character encoding for device name, event name, measurement name, and file name.

Quotation marks in all data fields of the .csv file help ensure compatibility with special characters.

For details and examples of the .csv file, see Appendix D SFTP and HTTPS Publication File Formats.

File Format of JSON Publication

One .json file contains measurements of multiple downstream devices configured with the same sampling period.

Each file contains the data from one day of sampling.

A maximum of 200 files can be exported in a publication. Additional files are not published.

NOTE: If the publication period is set to Weekly, the number of files may exceed 200. To publish the missing files, change the publication period to daily and start the publication.

The name of the JSON file that is exported follows the naming convention DateTime.json where DateTime is the time stamp corresponding to when the file was published, expressed down to the millisecond in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmssSSS.

For an example of a .json file, see Appendix D SFTP and HTTPS Publication File Formats.

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