
Email on alarm examples

There are some differences between the email and email-to-text message functionality for the email on alarm feature.

Overview of the email on alarm feature: email

A A new alarm occurs on the meter.
B The meter starts counting the email hold time and the maximum emails per message.
C When the email hold time or the maximum emails per message is reached, whichever is first, the meter sends an email with the details for all alarms that have occurred since the first alarm.

Overview of the email on alarm feature: email-to-text

A A new alarm occurs on the meter. The meter sends a text message to inform you of the alarm.
B The meter starts counting the email hold time and the maximum emails per message. No new texts are sent for alarms that occur during this period.
C When the email hold time or the maximum emails per message is reached, whichever is first, the meter sends an email with the details for all alarms that have occurred since the first alarm.
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