
Configuring Modbus TCP/IP filtering using the webpages

NOTE: Refer to Restoration of temporarily disabled configuration settings in webpages to know availability of these features on your meter model.

You can configure access rights for any valid IP address, plus any anonymous IP addresses.

  1. Login to the meter webpages.
  2. Based on your meter firmware version, click Settings > Modbus TCP/IP filtering OR click Settings > Communication > IP filtering .
  3. Click Enable Filtering to enable Modbus TCP/IP filtering.

    The IP address fields become editable, except for the anonymous IP address field, which is indicated by asterisks (***.***.***.***).

  4. Set the access for anonymous IP addresses.
    NOTE: If Modbus TCP/ IP filtering is enabled, anonymous IP addresses can only have read-only or no access; they cannot have full access.
  5. Enter the other IP addresses that you want to be able to access the meter and any downstream serial devices.
  6. Set the access level for each specified IP address.
    NOTE: If duplicate IP addresses are entered, the second listing and its access level are discarded when you save the changes.
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