
Viewing alarm history details using the display

The alarm history log keeps a record of active alarms and past alarms.

When an active alarm condition becomes false (alarm = OFF), the event is recorded in the alarm history log and alarm notification (alarm icon, alarm LED) is turned off.

Alarms are displayed sequentially in the order of their occurrence, regardless of priority. The alarm details show the date and time of the alarm event, the type of event (for example, dropout or unary), which phase the alarm condition was detected on, and the value that caused the alarm condition to turn ON or OFF.

NOTE: Alarm details are not available if the alarm priority is set to None.

  1. Navigate to Alarm > Hist .
  2. Select the alarm you want to view (the latest ones appear on top).
  3. Press Detail.
    NOTE: For unacknowledged high priority alarms, the Ack option appears on this screen. Press Ack to acknowledge the alarm, or return to the previous screen if you do not want to acknowledge the alarm.
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