
Edit user account details

NOTE: You must have Administrator role access to change the user account password and assign role to the user:
  1. User account password reset:
    1. Click Settings > User Management > User Accounts .
    2. In the User Accounts section, click icon.
      The Edit User section opens.
    3. Enter the New Password and Confirm Password details.
      NOTE: The password must contain between 8 and 16 characters with at least 1 number, 1 capital letter and 1 special character.
    4. Click Apply Changes to save your changes to the meter.
  2. Assigning user role:
    NOTE: To assign role to the user, you must also reset the password.
    1. Click Settings > User Management > User Accounts .
    2. In the User Accounts section, click icon.
      The Edit User section opens.
    3. From the drop-down list, assign the Role to the user.
    4. Enter the New Password and Confirm Password details.
      NOTE: The password must contain between 8 and 16 characters with at least 1 number, 1 capital letter and 1 special character.
    5. Click Apply Changes to save your changes to the meter.
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